Kurs-Code Valo5007
Kreditpunkte (ECTS) 3
Stundenzahl insgesamt (im Auditorium) 81
Vorlesungen (Stundenzahl) 16
Stundenzahl fŅr Seminare und praktische Arbeitsaufträge 16
Selbststandige Arbeit des Studenten (Stunden) 49
Bestätigt am (Datum) 15/04/2014
Kurs ausgearbeitet von (Lehrkraft)
, Larisa Turuševa

Kursam priekšzināšanas nav nepieciešamas
Zur einfŅhrenden LektŅre empfohlen
1. Fearn-Banks K. Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach. 3rd ed. Mahwah, N.J.; London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. 385 p. ISBN 978-0-8058-5773-3.
2. Dahl Ø., Jensen I., Nynäs P. Bridges of understanding perspectives of Intercultural communication. Oslo Academic Press, 2010. 7-23 pp. ISBN: 8274772695, 9788274772694
3. Advanced Communication Skills. MTD Training-Book. Boon, 2010. 58 p. ISBN-13:978 Nav liel. Latvijas b-kās. Pieejams: http://www.free-ebooks.net/ebook/advanced-communication-skills 4. Kaftan M., Strnadova Z. Modern Business English in Communication. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 358 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-0-0889-4.
Weiterfuhrende Literatur
1. Smith S. Business Communication Strategies in the International Business World. Brattleboro: Pro Lingua Associates, 2012. 256 p. ISBN 0-86647-314-9.
2. Wood J.T. Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters. Wadsworth. Cengage Learning, 2010. 360 p. ISBN 13: 978-1-111-34640-9. 3. Multicultural Communication and the Process of Globalisation. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 25 - 26 April 2009. Jelgava: LLU, 2009. ISBN 9984-596-73-7.
Zur LektŅre vorgeschlagene Zeitschriften
1. International Journal of Communication [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 27.10.2013.]. Pieejams: http://ijoc.org/ojs/index.php/ijoc ISSN: 1932-8036
2. Journal of Intercultural Communication. [tiešsaiste] http://www.immi.se/intercultural/ ISSN 1404-1634 3. EU.COM domain for European Business. Pieejams: www.eu.com