Hазвание курса
Код курса Arhi6018
Кредитные пункты (ECTS) 5.25
Общее количество часов 141.75
Kоличество часов лекций 10
Kоличество часов семинаров и практических занятий 30
Дата утвеждения курса 28/11/2017
Разработчик курса
, Daiga Skujāne

Kursam priekšzināšanas nav nepieciešamas
Учебная литературa
1 Ryden L., Migula P., Andersson M. (2003) Environmental science. A Baltic University Publication.
2. Kennen K., Kirkwood N. (2015) Phyto: principles and resources for site remediation and landscape design. Routledge, New York. 346 p.
3. Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework (2011) M. Richter, U.Weiland (eds.), 235 p.
4.Steiner F., Butler. K. (2007) Planning and urban design standarts. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 436 p.
5.James A., LaGro Jr. (2008) Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design. 357 p. 6. Thompson I.H. (1999) Ecology, Community and Delight. London: E&FN Spon. 188 p.
Дополнительная литература
1. Thompson J.W., Sorvig K. (2000) Sustainable landscape construction: a guide to green building outdoors. Washington: Island Press. 350 p.
2. Beer A.R., Higgins C. (2000) Environmental Planning for Site Development. A manual for sustainable local planning and design. London: E&FN Spon. 352p.
3.Basics Landscape Architecture 02: Ecological Design (2011) N. Rottle, K Yocom (eds.) 4.Makhzoumi J., Pungetti G. (1999) Ecological Landscape Design and Planning. London: E&FN Spon. 330 p.
Периодика и другие источники информации
1. Landscape Architecture and Art. Scientific journal of Latvia University of Agriculture. ISSN 2255-8640 (online)
2. Jola. Journal of Landscape Architecture. Print ISSN: 1862-6033 Online ISSN: 2164-604X Piezīmes: