Course title | Soil and Water Conservation III |
Course code | VidEB004 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 5 |
Total Hours in Course | 135 |
Number of hours for lectures | 26 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 30 |
Number of hours for laboratory classes | 0 |
Independent study hours | 79 |
Date of course confirmation | 02/12/2023 |
Responsible Unit | Instutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering |
Course developers | |
Ph.D., asoc. prof. Linda Grinberga |
Prior knowledge | |
BūvZ1034, AutoCAD Aided Design |
Replaced course | |
HidZ3029 [GHDR3029] Soil and Water Conservation III |
Course abstract | |
Within the framework of the study course, the development and importance of irrigation in agriculture in the world, in the EU and in Latvia is described. A theoretical understanding of irrigation techniques and crop irrigation regime is provided. In the course, the design of the irrigation system is learned, the hydraulic calculations of the water supply network are practically solved, the understanding of the components of the irrigation system, water sources and the choice of pumps and system operation issues are formed. The aim of the study course is to give students a practical understanding of irrigation system design in addition to theoretical knowledge. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
The course develops knowledge and professional understanding about the design of irrigation systems. The course enables students with an ability to develop the layout of sprinkler system using topographical maps and longitudinal cross sections of the pipelines and to perform technical calculations. The course elaborates competence to use technical norms, practical skills to elaborate design projects in other fields of Water Management. | |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
1. History, development and importance of irrigation in agriculture (in the world and in Latvia) (4h); Designing irrigation systems, choosing irrigation equipment (4h)
2. Irrigation techniques (2h); Designing hydrants of a stationary network of pressure lines in the plan (2h) 3. Surface irrigation with self-flow. Irrigation by furrows (2h); Longitudinal profiles of pressure pipes, constructions on pressure pipes (4h) 4. Surface irrigation with self-flow. Irrigation along floodplains and floodplains (2h); Pump selection, pressure line calculations (4h) 5. Watering. Rain apparatus types and constructions (2h); Irrigation system fittings (2h) 6. Watering technique. Long-range sprinkler machines, frontal sprinkler machines (2h); Irrigation system fittings (2h) 7. Watering technique. Lane watering machines (2h); Watering mode (2h) 8. Watering technique. Radial irrigation machines (2h); 9. Drip irrigation system, construction and operating mode (2h); 10. Double-sided humidity regulation systems, construction and operating mode (2h) 11. Water supply network, construction and materials (2h) 12. Irrigation pump stations (2h) 13. Water sources for irrigation, quality requirements (2h) 14. Operating mode and operation of irrigation systems (2h) 15. Hydroponics and aquaponics (2h); Designing the longitudinal profiles and plan materials of the project (2h) 16. Final assessment (1h); Oral defense of course project solutions (1h) Part time extramural studies: All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
A course project must be developed and defended (irrigation system project, with explanatory text, project plan M 1:2000, profiles of pressure pipes, hydraulic calculation tables, specifications of pressure pipes and constructions) | |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
During the course, students independently develop an irrigation system project in consultation with the instructor. The teacher offers the output data, including the topographical plan, soil composition, geographical location, etc. The project is developed in accordance with the construction project quality requirements adopted in Latvia, with an appropriate level of detail, including design in the plan and profiles. The explanatory part shall include a description of the project's technical information, calculations, material specifications and calculation of the irrigation regime. Knowledge will be evaluated based on the result of a written test. Skills will be evaluated according to the technical solution developed in the course project for the specific object. Competence assessment will consist of answers and discussion, orally defending the solutions of your course project. | |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
The final grade consists of an assessment of the developed course project (80%) and the answers provided by the student during the defense (20%) | |
Compulsory reading | |
1.Hoffman G.J., Evans R. G. , Jensen M. E., Martin D. L., Elliott R. L. Design And Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems. 2nd Edition. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 2007. 863 p .
2.Peter Waller, Muluneh Yitayew (2016) Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, University of Arizona, USA, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05699-9 3.IFC (2022) Handbook for Scaling Irrigation Systems, International Fund for Agricultural Development |
Further reading | |
FL652, Chapter 6, Irrigation System Design. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. | |
Periodicals and other sources | |
Grundfos, IRRIGATION pump handbook. | |
Notes | |
Compulsory study course in LBTU MVZF professional bachelor study program "Environment and water management" |