Course title Food Technology
Course code Vete6018
Credit points (ECTS) 1.5
Total Hours in Course 40.5
Number of hours for lectures 16
Date of course confirmation 12/10/2011
Responsible Unit Institute of Land Management and Geodesy
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Ruta Galoburda
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Inga Ciproviča

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The students can get knowledge about new tendencies and technologies in food production, acquainted with the achievements of biotechnology and application of modern biotechnology products in food production. Also students obtain overview in functional food and processing peculiarities for organic agricultural resources. Above mentioned questions are observed in study course from a point of view of food safety.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After completing of course student will have: knowledge about the new technologies in food industry, their influence on food quality and safety; skills about the applying of obtained knowledge in practice, solving questions in place of production about the maintaining quality of food products; competence in evaluation of food technologies and on knowledge based point of view on developing tendencies of food science in the context of food safety solving questions.
Compulsory reading
1. Kārkliņa D., Ciproviča I. Pārtikas produktu tehnoloģija. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2008. 93 lpp.
2. Galoburda R., Rakčejeva. Pārtikas apstrādes alternatīvie procesi. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 94 lpp.
3. Johnson-Green, P. Introduction to food biotechnology. - Boca Raton (Florida) [etc.]: CRC Press, 2002. 293 p: ill. 4. Kārkliņa D., Ciproviča I., Beitāne I. Pārtikas produkti ar funkcionālajām sastāvdaļām/ teorētiskais materiāls studiju kursa „Pārtikas funkcionālās īpašības” apguvei. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 50 lpp.
Further reading
1. Handbook of meat processing /editor Fidel Toldrá. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. xv, 566 p.
2. Dukaļska L., Muižniece-Brasava S.. Biodegradējamie iepakošanas materiāli pārtikas industrijā. Jelgava, LLU, 2008. 105 lpp. 3. Dairy processing: improving quality /edited by Gerrit Smit. Cambridge: Woodhead publishing Limited; Boca Raton etc.: CRC Press, 2003. XI, 546 p.: il., tab.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Journal of Dairy Science Published by American Dairy Science Association. ISSN (printed): 0022-0302. ISSN (electronic): 1525-3198. [tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 02.12.2011.] Pieejams ScienceDirect datubāzē anotāciju līmenī: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00220302