Course title Social Entrepreneurship
Course code VadZ6024
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 12
Independent study hours 57
Date of course confirmation 15/01/2019
Responsible Unit Institute of Business and Management Science
Course developers
Dr. oec., asoc. prof. Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Master students get a detailed knowledge of the essence, basic principles and eco-system of social entrepreneurship in Latvia. Master students acquire knowledge of and skills in establishment of a social business according its mission and legal regulation in Latvia and can assess its social and economic performance.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
1.Students will be able to demonstrate an in-depth and extended knowledge of the principles and legal aspects of and sources of finance for social entrepreneurship – independent work, practical assignments.
2.Students will be able to demonstrate a specific knowledge of assessment of the impacts of a social enterprise – independent work, practical assignments.
3.Independently classify social enterprises – practical assignment.
4.Independently assess the impacts of social enterprises, employing proper research methods – independent work, practical assignments.
5.Reasonably explain, substantiate and discuss the stakeholders involved in the social entrepreneurship ecosystem – practical assignments.
6.Present and explain the results of their research to others – independent work presentations.
7.Independently apply theory, research methods and problem-solving skills – independent work presentations.
8.Find, critically assess and creatively use information for performing a task and finding a solution – independent work, practical assignments.
9.Cooperate and communicate with others – independent work, practical assignments.
10.Define and critically analyse problems in the field of social entrepreneurship, come up with solutions and justify the decisions made and, if necessary, do an additional analysis – independent work, practical assignments.
11.Integrate the knowledge of and skills in different fields to analyse a social enterprise and assess its impacts – independent work, practical assignments.
Course Content(Calendar)
The essence and development of social entrepreneurship – the historical and philosophical development of social enterprise and its place in economic sectors (lecture – 2 hours)
2. Paradigms in solving socio-economic problems. State, market, non-governmental organizations and social entrepreneurs – advantages and disadvantages in solving social and environmental problems (lecture – 2 hours, practical task – 1 hour)
3. Social enterprise identification criteria (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
4. The legal basis and institutional regulation of social entrepreneurship in Latvia. Forms of legal expression of social enterprises (de facto and de jure), their advantages and disadvantages (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
5. Legal and institutional regulation of social entrepreneurship in European countries. Legal forms of social enterprises and their forms of operation in European Union countries. Types of support for social enterprise (lecture – 1 hour, independent work – 2 hours)
6. Influencing factors social entrepreneurship (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
7. Sources of financing a social enterprise (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
8. Types and classification of social enterprises in Latvia (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 1 hour)
9. Social business ecosystem and development opportunities in Latvia (lecture – 1 hour, practical task – 4 hours)
10. Social entrepreneurship and social innovation – common and different (lecture – 1 hour) 11. Social business impact assessment (lecture – 1 hour, independent work – 2 hours)
Requirements for awarding credit points
Within the study course there are 2 independent works.
In the first, students carry out an analysis of a selected social enterprise in Europe according to its social and economic criteria, describing the legal framework and forms of support for a social enterprise in a particular country. The independent work is presented to the coursemates. Presentation – up to 10 minutes. In the second independent work, students carry out an economic and social impact assessment of a selected social enterprise. Students make a presentation on the work they have done. Demonstration duration up to 10 minutes.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
1.Independent work 1 (presentation): an analysis of a chosen social enterprise in Europe (not Latvia) by economic and social criteria, the relevant legal framework and the kinds of support. 2.Independent work 2 (presentation): an assessment of the economic and social impact of a social enterprise.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The assessment of the study course depends on the assessment of both assignments – 10 points make 1 mark. Assignments are assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure established in the assignment.
Compulsory reading
1.Sociālā uzņēmuma likums: LR likums. Stājas spēkā 01.04.2018. Pieejams: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/294484-sociala-uznemuma-likums
2.Dobele L., Dobele A. Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības iespējas Latvijā. Rīga: Izdevniecība Drukātava, 2014. 470 lpp.
3.European Commission A map of social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Country Report: Latvia. European Union, 2014. 35 p. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: file:///C:/Users/Lietotajs/Downloads/SE%20Mapping_Country%20Report%20Latvia%20(4).pdf
4.Koncepcija “Par sociālās uzņēmējdarbības ieviešanas iespējām Latvijā”: MK rīkojums Nr. 618. Stājas spēkā: 30.10.2014. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: http://https://likumi.lv/ta/id/269885-par-koncepciju-par-socialas-uznemejdarbibas-ieviesanas-iespejam-latvija
5. Latvija ceļā uz sociālo uzņēmējdarbību. A.Lešinska, G.Litvins, R.Pīpiķe, I.Šimanska, O.Kupcis, K.Bušēvica. Sabiedriskās politikas centrs PROVIDUS, Latvijas Pilsoniskā alianse, 2012. 104 lpp. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: http://politika.lv/article_files/2264/original/SU_gala_9nov.pdf?1352702725 6.Beugre C. Social Entrepreneurship: Managing the Creation of Social Value. New York: Routledge, Kindle Edition, 2017. 315 p.
Further reading
1.Defourny J., Nyssens M. Social Enterprise in Europe: Recent Trends and Developments. Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. 4, issue 3, 2008, p. 202–228.
2.European Commission Social Business Initiative Creating a favourable climate for social enterprises, key stakeholders in the social economy and innovation: Communication from the European Commission, Brussels, 2011. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: Pieejams: https://www.fi-compass.eu/sites/default/files/publications/social-business-initiative-creating-a-favourable-climate-for-social-enterprises-key-stakeholders-in-the-social-economy-and-innovation.pdf
3.Aps J., Ūlande M., Lipponen K. Social impact investment in the Nordic-Baltic region: Ideas and opportunities, needs and challenges using examples from Estonia, Latvia and Finland. Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, 2018. 42 p. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://sev.ee/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/social-impact-investment-in-the-nordic-baltic-region.pdf
4.Lis A., Wallberg N., Nordstrom T., Šuvajevs A., Ūlande M. Social enterprises and municipalities: cooperation, partnerships and synergies. 2017. 55 p. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://by.odb-office.eu/files/seandmunicipalities-en.pdf
5.Sociālā inovācija: izaicinājumi un risinājumi Latvijā. K.Oganisjana, G.Grīnberga-Zālīte, S.Surikova, K.Kozlovskis, L.Līcīte, T.Laizāns, N.Monge-Iriarte, T.Koķe, L.Jeroščenkova, Y.Eremina, S.Gvatua, N. B. Kabwende, O.J.Chukwu. Zinātniskā monogrāfija. Rīga: RTU, 2019. 148 lpp. 6.Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības asociācijas mājaslapa // http://sua.lv
Periodicals and other sources
1.Social Enterprise Journal. Emerald Business, Management & Strategy eJournals Collection. ISSN: 1750-8614
2.International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Online ISSN: 2043-8265, ISSN print: 2043-8257
3.Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. Online ISSN: 1942-0684, ISSN print: 1942-0676 4.Latvijas Vēstnesis. Latvijas Republikas oficiālais izdevums [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.vestnesis.lv/
Optional Course, ESAF Professional Master's Degree Program in Business Management