Course title Competitiveness in Entrepreneurship
Course code VadZ3021
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 23/01/2019
Responsible Unit Institute of Business and Management Science
Course developers
Ph.D., doc. Madara Dobele

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The course provides the knowledge of competitiveness as a prerequisite for the successful development of a company by studying and analyzing conditions, factors, types, stages of development and strategies of competitiveness. Students learn how to perform a complex, methodological evaluation of the competitiveness of an enterprise.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
1. Demonstrate the knowledge of the classification of national and regional competitiveness indicators and international competitiveness indexes – practical assignments.
2. Demonstrate the knowledge of the terminology and substance of competitiveness and its role in entrepreneurship – test.
3. Demonstrate the knowledge of value chain stages and their role in competitiveness and in developing a competitive advantage – independent assignment, exam assignment.
1. Identify the factors of competitiveness affecting an industry and analyse the effects of the industry development cycle on competitiveness – practical assignments.
2. Independently analyse the factors of business competitiveness by employing the PEST method, M.Porter’s five forces model and M.Fishbein’s model, identify a competitive advantage for an enterprise and determine a strategy for the expansion of the enterprise, identify the enterprise’s competitive position in the industry by using the McKinsey method – independent assignment, exam assignment.
3. Analyse the situation, determining the kind of competitiveness, its advantages and opportunities for development – independent assignment, exam assignment.
4. Comprehend, choose and substantiate strategies for developing the competitive advantage by analysing processes in an enterprise, assess the application of competitiveness analysis methods for case studies – test.
5. Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given – independent assignment.
6. Engage in group work and reasonably communicate on how to perform assignments and achieve results – practical assignments.
7. Present an analysis of the competitiveness of an enterprise and the results – independent assignment, practical assignments.
1. Independently apply competitiveness assessment methods and reasonably interpret the assessment results – practical assignments, independent assignment, exam assignment.
2. Identify and classify the kinds of competitiveness, assess business competitiveness and come up with solutions to enhancing competitiveness – practical assignments, test.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Concepts of competition and competitiveness, importance in entrepreneurship, types of competitiveness (lecture – 2 hours).
2.Legal regulation of competitiveness in Latvia (lecture – 1 hour).
3.Competitiveness of the country and region (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
4.Assessment of the external environment’s impact (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
5.Factors influencing the competitiveness of the sector, their identification and analysis (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
6.Industry environment’s impact on the competitiveness of the company (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 2 hours).
7.Competitive advantage – concept and importance in entrepreneurship (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 1 hour).
8.Strategies for developing competitive advantage (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
9.Test – concept of competitiveness, types, factors influencing competitiveness in external environment, regional and national competitiveness (practical – 1 hour).
10.Evaluation of competitiveness at the enterprise level, analysis of competitiveness’ type (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
11.Determining the competitiveness of products and services (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
12.Importance of competitiveness of company management, role of value chain in enterprise competitiveness (lecture – 2 hours, practical – 2 hours).
13.Determination of the company's competitiveness position in the industry (lecture – 1 hour, practical – 1 hour).
14.Test – factors affecting internal environment, levels of competitiveness, strategies for development of competitive advantage (practical – 1 hour).
15.Analysis of company's competitiveness – presentation of independent work (practical – 2 hours).
Requirements for awarding credit points
A cumulative mark earned during the semester consists of the following pieces of assessment:
-20 points for practical assignment – aspects and influencing factors that shape a competitive economy;
-30 points for 2 tests – test 1 (15 points) on the topics: concept of competitiveness, types, factors affecting competitiveness in the external environment, regional and national competitiveness; test 2 (15 points) on the topics: influencing factors of the internal environment, levels of competitiveness, competitive advantage development strategies;
-50 points for exam assignment – analysis of the company's competitiveness using competitiveness assessment methods (30 points), presentation of the exam paper (20 points).
10 points are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
Practical, independent tasks un exam must be submitted and presented only within the time set for them.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Studies of study course’s materials and literature.
Preparation and presentation of practical and independent tasks. Preparing for tests.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The exam mark is cumulative.
Compulsory reading
1.Caune J., Dzedons A. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. Rīga: Lidojošā zivs, 2009. 384 lpp.
2.Latvijas uzņēmumu konkurētspējas uzlabošanas izpētes starpdisciplinārie aspekti. Red. R.Škapars, Ē.Šumilo. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2017. 117 lpp.
3.Parnell J.A. Strategic management. Theory and practice. 4th edition. Washington: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2013. 664 p.
4.Konkurences likums: LR likums. Pieņemts 04.10.2001. Stājas spēkā 01.01.2002. Pieejams: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/54890-konkurences-likums
5.Praude V. Menedžments. 1. d. Rīga: Burtene, 2012. 498 lpp.
6.Praude V. Menedžments. 2.d. Rīga: Burtene, 2012. 306 lpp. 7.Uzņēmējdarbība lauku ilgtspējīgā attīstībā. Mācību līdzeklis. LLU. EF Uzņēmējdarbības un vadības katedra. Jelgava, 2004. 318 lpp.
Further reading
1.Duhigs Č. Ieraduma spēks. Kāpēc biznesā darām to, ko darām, un kā to mainīt. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2019. 447 lpp.
2.Pauli G. Zilā ekonomika. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2018. 320 lpp.
3.Das T.Kl. Behavioral Strategy for Competitive Advantage. Charlotee, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2018. 243 p.
4.Zīlīte L. Personāla vadība un socionika. Rīga: SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2013. 304 lpp.
5.Kalve I. Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus: Stratēģiskā un pārmaiņu vadība. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola “Turība”, 2005. 295 lpp.
6.Porter M. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: The Free Press, 1990. 896 p.
7.Boroņenko V. Klasteru pieeja reģionu attīstībai zināšanu ekonomikas apstākļos. Daugavpils: DU Akadēmiskais apgāds „Saule”, 2007. 98 lpp.
8.Herolds D.M., Fedors D.B. Mainiet veidu, kā vadāt pārmaiņas. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009. 198 lpp. 9.Libermanis G. Makroekonomika. Rīga: Kamene, 2006. 445 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1.World Economic Forum. Global Competitiveness Reports. Pieejams: http://www.weforum.org
2.The World Bank. Doing Business. Pieejams: http://www.doingbusiness.org
3.Heritage Foundation. The Wall Street Journal. Index of Economic Freedom. Pieejams: http://http://www.heritage.org 4.Institute for Management Development. World Competitiveness Yearbooks. Pieejams: http://www.imd.ch/wcc/
Restricted elective study course for the ESAF academic Bachelor programme “Economics”, specializations “Business Process Management”. Elective study course for other study programmes.