Course title Media Literacy and Platform Society
Course code Soci3024
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 20/12/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities
Course developers
Mg. paed., lekt. Baiba Miltoviča

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the use of critical media and digital platforms, to integrate theoretical knowledge with the practical application of this knowledge in solving issues related to media literacy and information literacy in a globalized, digital and mediated environment. During the study course students acquire knowledge about theories of media content analysis and approaches to critical evaluation of information content.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge. Understands the importance of media literacy and platform society, has knowledge of the nature, classification and types of platform society (Test 1); knowledge of the stages of technological and digital media development, misinformation, false news, elements of protection of the information space (Test 2).
Skills. Ablity to explain and discuss the habits of using media content and the needs of the society, media literacy and disinformation, elements of protection of information space (Discussion 1); Ability to discuss and orientate in the basic principles of data protection, understands the proportionality between the individual's right to data protection and the public's right to follow important events (Discussion 2). Competence. Ability to critically evaluate the media literacy and platform society, is able not only to know the theoretical approaches and concepts, methodology in their analysis, but also to apply in solving problems related to media literacy and information literacy (Tests, Report, Presentation).
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Media literacy and society. (1 hour)
2. Concepts of media literacy and information literacy. (1 hour)
3. Technological and digital progress in media development. (2 hours)
4. Media diversity. (2 hours)
5. Media and public relations ethics. (1 hour)
6. Misinformation, manipulation and hate speech in the media environment. (2 hours)
7. Data protection and processing of personal data in the media environment. (1 hour)
8. The nature, types of platform society and their classification. (2 hours)
9. Legal regulation of mass media. (2 hours)
10. Challenges of modern media literacy and research directions. (2 hours)

List of seminar topics (16 hours)

1. The social, cultural and political dimension of the digital society. (2 hours)
2. The role and impact of media literacy on the development of the state and society. (2 hours)
3. Usage habits of the Latvian population and the needs of the society. (2 hours)
4. The role of media literacy and misinformation. Media literacy as an element of information space protection. (2 hours)
5. Proportionality between the individual's right to data protection and the public's right to follow significant events. (2 hours)
6. Quality, ethics and responsibility of the media environment. Basic principles of Latvian media policy. Reliability of the media environment. (2 hours)
7. Fake news. False reports and manipulative dissemination. Difficulties in using big data. (2 hours) 8. Recommendations developed by international organizations in the development of media literacy. Media literacy and information literacy. (UNESCO, Council of the European Union). (2 hours)
Requirements for awarding credit points
Test with a grade. The final grade is cumulative for the following topics and tasks:
1) Concepts of media literacy and information literacy, nature of platform society, their classification and types. (Test 1 - 20%);
2) Technological and digital progress in the development of media, the role of media literacy and its impact on the development of the state and society. (Test 2 - 20%);
3) Discussion on media content usage habits and public needs, media literacy and disinformation, elements of information space protection; (Discussion 1 - 10%);
4) Discussion on the basic principles of data protection, proportionality between the individual's right to data protection and the public's right to follow important events. (Discussion 2 - 10%);
5) Preparation and presentation of a report (Report - 40%).
Study process in part-time distance learning is organised in accordance with the Order of the Vice-Rector of Studies No. 2.4.-5/59 On distance learning procedures at LBTU. Study courses are scheduled for each semester according to the study plan. The students learn the topics included in the study course independently, using the materials created and placed by the lecturer in the e-studies (Moodle). Feedback on the learning of lecture and seminar topics in distance learning is organised in the form of self-assessment tests, discussion forums and independent work, as well as in face-to-face or online consultations, lectures and final examinations according to the timetable.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Ability not only to know theoretical approaches and concepts, methodology in their analysis, but also to apply in solving problems related to media literacy and information literacy. Literature studies, report and presentation creation.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Students must prepare for two tests (40%), two discussions (20%), prepare a report and a presentation (40%). 10% corresponds to one point on the 10-point assessment scale.
Compulsory reading
1.Dijck J., Poell T., Wall M. The Platform Society. New York: Oxford University Press. , 2018. 226 p.
2.Lupton D. Digital Sociology. New York: Routledge. , 2015. 236. p.
3.MacArthur J.D., MacArthur T. Education and Social Media: Toward a Digital Future. Cambridge: The MIT Press. 2016. [Tiešsaiste]. E-grāmata LLU FB datubāzē EBSCOhost eBook Academic Collection Pieejams: https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.llu.lv/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=1237999&site=ehost-live&scope=site
4. Digital Methods for Social Science. Editors: H. Snee, C.Hine, Y.Morey, S.Roverts, H.Watson. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016. 234. p. Pieejams: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1057%2F9781137453662
5.Manovičs Ļ., Jauno mediju valoda. 2006. Rīga: Jauno mediju kultūras centrs. 373 lpp. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://gramatas.lndb.lv/periodika2-viewer/#issue:646647
6.Nithingale V., Ross K. Critical readings: Media and the Audiences. London: Open University Press, 2003. 324 p.
7.Srnicek N. Platform Capitalism. [tiešsaiste] 2017. Cambridge: Polity Press. 171 p. [skatīts 16.12.21.] Pieejams: https://mudancatecnologicaedinamicacapitalista.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/platform-capitalism.pdf
8.Scmidt A. F. Crowd Design: From Tools for Empowerment to Platform Capitalism. 2017. [Tiešsaiste]. [skatīts 16.12.21.]. E-grāmata LLU FB datubāzē EBSCOhost eBook Academic Collection Pieejams: Pieejams: https://web-p-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.llu.lv/ehost/detail/detail?vid=6&sid=975cb982-c068-483a-99d1-33408e8dd79a%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=2103345&db=e000xww
https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=2103345&site=ehost-live Comunello F., Mulargia S. Social Media in Earthquake-Related Communication: Shake Networks. UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. 2018. [skatīts 16.12.21.] [Tiešsaiste]. E-grāmata LLU FB datubāzē EBSCOhost eBook Academic Collection. Pieejams: https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.llu.lv/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=1713018&site=ehost-live&scope=site https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=1713018&site=ehost-live
Further reading
1.Freibergs, V. Mapping Media Literacy in Latvia: National summary. In: Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28. European Audiovisual Observatory. Strasbourg: European Audiovisual Observatory. 2016, p. 274–284. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://rm.coe.int/1680783500
2.Rožukalne, A., Skulte, I., & Stakle, A. Media Education in the Common Interest: Public Perceptions of Media Literacy Policy in Latvia. Central European Journal of Communication, 2020. 13(2), 2020, 202 – 229. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://wuwr.pl/cejc/article/view/11605/10541
3. Life with COVID-19: Evaluation of Overcoming the Coronavirus Crisis in Latvia and Recommendations for Societal Resilence in the Future. 2020. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.rsu.lv/en/project/life-with-covid-19
4.Eiropas Parlamenta pētījums. Jauni aspekti un problēmas patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības jomā. 2020. [Tiešsaiste].
5.Riga Stradiņš University. Collection of Scientific Papers: Research Articles 2008: Economics. Communication. Politics. Sociology. Social policy and social work. Law. Riga: RSU, 2008. 191. p.
6.Srnicek N. The Challenges of Platform Capitalism: Understanding the Logic of a New Business Model. [skatīts 16.12.21.] [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315634428_The_challenges_of_platform_capitalism_Understanding_the_logic_of_a_new_business_model https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/newe.12023
Periodicals and other sources
Periodika un citi informācijas avoti
1.ES Padome. Padomes secinājumi par medijpratību pastāvīgi mainīgā pasaulē (2020/C 193/06) [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/LV/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52020XG0609(04)&from=PT
2.Nacionālā elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu padome. Pētījums par Latvijas iedzīvotāju mediju satura lietošanas paradumiem un sabiedrības vajadzībām. 2020. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.neplpadome.lv/lv/sakums/academia/petijumi.html https://www.neplpadome.lv/lv/assets/documents/Petijumi/P%C4%93t%C4%ABjums_par_Latvijas_iedz%C4%ABvot%C4%81ju_medijprat%C4%ABbu_un_mediju_satura_lieto%C5%A1anas_paradumiem_2021.pdf 3.Nacionālā elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu padome. Pētījums par Latvijas iedzīvotāju interesēm, dienaskārtību un uzticēšanos medijiem 2018. [Tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.neplpadome.lv/lv/assets/documents/Petijumi/Mediju_lieto%C5%A1ana_atskaite_08.2018_%20(002).pdf
Elective study course in the ESAF academic bachelor study programme “Sociology of Organizations and Public Administration”