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Course title Counselling
Course code PedaP104
Credit points (ECTS) 18
Total Hours in Course 486
Independent study hours 486
Date of course confirmation 22/11/2016
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Dr. paed., Vija Dišlere

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
In the course of practice the students take a career counsellor’s responsibilities within the practice mission, get acquainted with networking among various institutions and organizations dealing with career counselling, practice in different age and education clients in counselling, testing a number of diagnostic techniques, to form the individual career development programs for clients, to help customers write a CV, cover letter, advertisement, the students develop themselves professionally and are prepared to professional activities independently; they develop their research skills.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge and understanding of customer growth factors and the individual dynamics of activities; of networking in the various institutions and organizations.
Skills to synthesize and to use the practical knowledge of all the above of study courses. Ability to organize and carry out customer advice for various ages and educational people. Skills-to search, select and systematize information, to establish contact with the client, to inform, to persuade, to support client's wishes and needs, ability to use different detection methods, to build a client's individual career development programs, to work with career tests. Competence-able to analyze, synthesize and use knowledge and skills of all the above of study courses in new situations and in different ways, doing a career counsellor’ work. Able to work with different age and education customers, both individually and able to lead a group counselling, able to assess the client's situation. Able to self-education and self-realization.
Compulsory reading
1. John McLeod. An introduction to counselling. New York: Open University Press, 2005..
2. Sampson J.P., Jr., Robert C. Reardon, Gary W. Peterson, Janet G. Lenz. Career counseling and Services. London, Thomson Learning, 2004
3. Hawkin P., Shonet R. Supervision in the Helping Professions: an individual, group and organizational approach. 2.ed. Buskingham Philadelfia: Open University Press, 2000. 4. Rodžers M. Sociālā darba supervīzijas lomas, funkcijas un mērķis. No: Dzīves jautājumi, VI, Rīga, SDSPA “Attīstība”. 2001, 117.-141.lpp.
Further reading
1. Gibson R., Mitchell M. Introduction to Career Counselling for the 21 st Century. NewJersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2006. 288 lpp.
2. Hawkins P. The ART of building WINDmills. Career tactics for the 21st century. University of Liverpool, 2004. 3. Ozoliņa Nucho A., Vidnere M. Intervēšanas prasme. Rīga: RaKa, 2003. 84 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources