Course title Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects
Course code Peda6021
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 8
Independent study hours 49
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Mg. paed., lekt. Inita Soika

Prior knowledge
Peda5026, Theory and Methodology of Career Counselling I
Psih6009, Human Life Cycles
Course abstract
The course enhances the understanding of the client's integration into the education system and the labour market in a multicultural society, respecting the most important social aspects of this process (integration, language, religion, social status, social classes, minorities, people's special needs, etc.) in the context of the individual's personality and societal development.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge. Students improve their understanding of the client's integration process in the education system and labour market of today's global, multicultural society; career guidance opportunities for various socially excluded clients and clients with special needs; on the characteristic features of multinational clients, the suitability of their abilities and interests for local labour market conditions. Students are able to use the acquired knowledge in providing career guidance to clients with special needs and socially excluded clients, matching their personal qualities, abilities and skills with the competencies necessary for the chosen career direction.
A test on the main concepts to be learned in the course of the study course related to the provision of career guidance.
Skills. Students are able to integrate and use knowledge to promote the social integration of clients from different social classes and cultures; is able to identify and assess the professional suitability of people with disabilities; is able to evaluate education and employment opportunities for people with disabilities and socially excluded persons, to identify and evaluate their professional aptitude.
Practical works are done according to each topic. See the study plan below.
Competence. Students are able to independently use the knowledge and skills acquired in the study course on how to provide career guidance for various social exclusion clients and clients with special needs in order to successfully integrate into today's multicultural society and make full use of the opportunities offered by lifelong learning and employment in their life designing. Independent work and seminar. Students develop their own work “Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects in Career Guidance” on the basis of their master's thesis topic or whether the research environment. Independent works are presented and defended during the seminar.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Lecture. Social integration, its types and principles (E.Durkheim). Society as a collection of collective representations. Mechanical solidarity. Organic solidarity. Social Exchange Theory (Peter Blau). Implementing of social inclusion policies in society. Good Practices in Social Integration. – 3h.

2.Lecture. Explanation and signs of the cross-culture concept. Intercultural development and aspects. Subcultures. Intercultural tools. Intercultural education. Intercultural learning. Intercultural competence: homogeneous and distinct groups (J. J. Distefano, M. L. Maznevsky) - 2h. Practical work - work in pairs / groups and discussion about the development of intercultural competence in different career support environments - 1h.

3.Lecture. Theory of Intercultural Sensitivity (M. Bennett) - 1h. Practical work "Career counselling and guidance based on the Intercultural Sensitivity Theory" -1h.

4.Lecture. The cultural dimension of intercultural communication. Levels of intercultural communication (S. Mushi). Human Mental Program (G. Hofstede) - 2h. Practical group work “Signs of Cultural Structures in Individual Career Development and Life Planning” - 1h.

5.Lecture. Explanation of the concept of multiculturalism. Salad Bowl Principle: European and US Concepts. Formation and development of a multicultural society. The concept of a mosaic of cultures. Ethnocentrism (W.G. Sumner). Groups with different ethno-cultural backgrounds: immigrants and national minorities - 2h. Practical work - discussion in groups “Multiculturalism and integration of Latvia society - 1h.

6.Lecture. Counselling diverse opportunities for a multicultural society. Multiculturalism in career development and life designing - 2h.

7.Lecture. Social Inclusion. Social exclusion. Laeken indicators. Groups at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Employment and Unemployment as the Context of Social Inclusion - 1h. Practical work in groups “Identifying of education and career opportunities for changing the social status of people without work” - 1h.

8.Lecture. Explanation of the concept of globalization. The stages of globalization. Globalization and career: knowledge workers, the context of lifelong learning, the changing of work language and work organization, the new career concept, outsourcing, work surpluses and lack of skills. Impact of Globalization on individual career development, career guidance and counselling - 2h

Test for basic concepts in the study course related to the provision of career guidance - 1h.

9.Lecture. Persons with special needs. Their inclusion in society. Supporting career development and life planning for these people. Causes of special needs, their understanding in career counselling. Providing individual approach to clients with special needs for career guidance and counselling - 2h.

10.Lecture. Education and employment opportunities for clients with special needs. Career guidance for clients with special needs. The necessary competencies for career counsellor in dealing with the client with special. Required Competencies of career counsellor in work with clients with addictions - 4h. Practical work - group work “Development of recommendations for the labour market research for clients with special needs” - 1h.

11.Lecture. Career Counselling and Support Opportunities for Collaboration with Specialist Services for risk People. Work in the probation service. Opportunities of the clients' employability- 2h.
12.Seminar. The development, demonstration and presentation of the independent work "Social inclusion and intercultural aspects in career guidance and counselling" - 2h.
Requirements for awarding credit points
80% attendance.
Participation in practical works and discussions.
Successfully written test. Developed and defended independent work.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The student develops one independent work on one of the aspects of social integration and interculturality, which is related to the problem of the master's thesis or the research environment. The work is prepared in the form of a Power point presentation and defended at the seminar. The presentation is prepared on the basis of the social integration and intercultural characteristics and professional activity of the career counsellor’s that reflects his readiness and competence to provide career guidance.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The assessment of the study course test mark depends on the cumulative evaluation of the independent work and practical works.
The assessment of the independent work and practical works take place in accordance with the criteria laid down there in. The test mark is the arithmetic mean among assessments of an independent work and practical works.
Compulsory reading
1.Anderesen P.‎, Vandehey M. Career Counseling and Development in a Global Economy. Boston : Lahaska Press, 2006. 2. Baltā grāmata par starpkultūru dialogu: dzīve kopā līdztiesībā un cieņā. Eiropas Padome, Strasbūra, 2008. 47 lpp. 3.Cohen-Scali V., Rossier J., Nota L. New perspectives on career counselling and guidance in Europe. Building career in changing and diverse societies. Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. 252 p. 4.IAEVG Communiqué on the Social and Economic Inclusion of NEETS/NINIS. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance–IAEVG. 2 p. 5.Lemert Ch. Durkheim's Ghosts: Cultural Logics and Social Things. Cambridge University Press, 2006. 6.Lorelle S., Byrd R., Crockett S. Globalization and Counseling: Professional Issues for Counselors. The Professional Counselor Volume 2, Issue 2, 2012. NBCC and Affiliates, p. 115–123. 7.Sultana R. Career guidance and social inclusion: a challenge for Europe. Australian Journal of Career Development Volume 19, No.1, 2010, p. 18-23.
Further reading
1. Iekļaujošās izglītības manifests. Iekļaujoša izglītība un mācīšanās: izaicinājumi un iespējas . Budapešta, 2012. 6 lpp. 2.Iekļaujošas nodarbinātības pamatnostādnes 2015.–2020.gadam: MK rīkojums Nr.244. 2015. [Skatīts 11.12.2018.]. Pieejams: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/273969-par-ieklaujosas-nodarbinatibas-pamatnostadnem-2015-2020-gadam 3.Kaplanis J., Gordon A., Shor T., Weissbrod O., Geiger D., Wahl M., Gershovits M., Markus B., Sheikh M., Gymrek M., Bhatia G., MacArthur D.G., Alkes L.P., Erlich Y. Quantitative analysis of population-scale family trees with millions of relatives. Publisher: Science, 2018. 11 p. [Skatīts 10.12.2018.] Pieejams: www.sciencemag.org 4.Robert D. Putnam R. D. E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century. Scandinavian Political Studies. Wiley. Vol. 30 (2), June 2007, p.137–74.
Periodicals and other sources
1.Eskudera-Mollona P. Senioru izglītība un dzīves kvalitāte. Vadlīnijas senioru izglītība un dzīves kvalitātes uzlabošanā 2011. 102 lpp. [Skatīts 19.12.2018.] Pieejams: http://www.edusenior.eu 2.Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 5, Number 1 / May 2014 Issue: 2014/1 [Skatīts 10.12.2018.]. Pieejams: https://www.sociostudies.org/journal/jogs/archive/2014_1/ 3.MoinSyed M., McLean K.C. Understanding identity integration: theoretical, methodological, and applied issues. Journal of Adolescence, Vol 47, February 2016, p. 109-118. [Skatīts 10.12.2018.]. Pieejams: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140197115002274 4.Par Nacionālās identitātes, pilsoniskās sabiedrības un integrācijas politikas īstenošanas plānu 2019.-2020. gadam: MK rīkojums Nr. 345, Rīga, 2018. gada 18. jūlijā. [Skatīts 10.12.2018.] Pieejams: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/300483-par-nacionalas-identitates-pilsoniskas-sabiedribas-un-integracijas-politikas-istenosanas-planu-2019-2020-gadam 5.The Future of Work. Skills and Resilience for a World of Change 2016. [Skatīts 10.12.2018.]. Pieejams: http://ec.europa.eu/epsc/publications/strategic-notes/future-work_en
Social Integration and Intercultural Aspects