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Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Mediation Process in Career Counselling
Course code Peda5038
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 19/01/2022
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Master's study programme(līm.), Lolita Terēze Nicmane
Mg. jur., Viktorija Portere

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
This course acquires and evaluates the use of tools, resources and psychological insights in non-violent conflict resolution through mediation methods in the work of a career counsellor. The studies in this course emphasize the types of conflicts and conflict-prone situations before the conflict itself. The course covers topics that teach a career counsellor to recognize pre-conflict situations and to distinguish between many types of conflict. Within the framework of this study course, students will be able to use the acquired knowledge, skills and competencies in mediation methods in the work of a career counsellor, recognizing their client's possible conflict situations in order to respond to them professionally.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge acquired at the conceptual level: on the basic principles and concepts of mediation; about emotions in mediation and conflict; on the necessary skills and personality traits of the mediator to manage the mediation processes and recommend mediation for resolving conflicts; on barriers to communication, its cultural, biological and emotional intelligence aspects; on constructive dialogue and its role in conflict resolution; on the regulatory enactments of the mediation process; on raising the professionalism of a mediator. The student has acquired knowledge that develops an understanding of the essence of the mediation process and the role of the mediator in it; on emotional intelligence, a wide range of emotions and intervention; on the nature of dialogue and its integral part in the process of resolving constructive conflict; on non-violent communication in personal relationships; on different mediation models and decision finding and evaluation techniques. The student has the following knowledge at the level of use: skills to use theoretical knowledge about mediation and the role of a mediator; to recognize the conflict, the reason for its occurrence (including the place and role of internal conflicts in interpersonal relations); how to analyze different ways of resolving a conflict and choose the most effective one; how to analyze and evaluate communication barriers, its cultural, biological, emotional intelligence aspects; how to creatively promote conflict resolution and evaluate decisions. Type of knowledge test: a test to test theoretical knowledge of mediation, its principles and methods that can be used in the work of a career counselor.
Skills. Students will be able to use the acquired knowledge in various conflict situations that will develop within the framework of career counseling. Students will be able to use theoretical knowledge about mediation and recognize the conflict and its cause (including the place and role of internal conflicts in interpersonal relationships), analyze and choose the most appropriate way to resolve the conflict. In the course of recognizing and resolving conflicts. Students will be able to communicate constructively, argumentatively, and respectfully, assessing barriers to interpersonal communication. Students will be able to supplement their practical skills with elements of creativity, diversifying the negotiation processes. Students will be able to choose and use the most appropriate form of communication (non-violent communication) with clients from different cultures, ages and social groups (including clients from groups at risk of social exclusion) and partners; assess individual differences and needs of customers; inform, support and provide feedback to clients based on meditative methods. Type of skills test: individual and group work in the analysis and resolution of conflict situations will be performed in the study process; students will play role-plays (based on cases from career counseling) in resolving and analyzing the types, forms and methods of resolving conflicts (using elements of creativity as well). Competency. Ability to recognize the cause of conflict (including the place and role of internal conflicts in interpersonal relationships) and identify different ways of resolving conflict, choosing the most effective. Ability to understand the context of mediation and independently choose and use appropriate mediation methods and tools to optimize the emotional climate in resolving disputes and conflicts in the career counseling process. Ability to comply with professional, incl. the ethical norms and confidentiality requirements of the mediator in the performance of professional duties and tasks. Ability to counsel clients of different ages, social groups, cultures and levels of education, individually and in groups, aware of their potential communication barriers. Ability to understand the need to renew one's resources to maintain psychological resilience in stressful / conflict situations. Ability to work constructively with other professionals in the field of career counseling, with the aim of improving the quality of counseling. Type of competence test: At the end of the study course students (work in pairs) present in a seminar the use of mediation methods in career counseling, thus confirming the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Understanding of the basic principles and concepts of mediation (Law on Mediation; Trossen et al.) (1 h)
2. Mediation phases and process stages. Peculiarities of the use of joint and separate sessions (Bolis & Gereiša; Railijs; Trossen, etc.), (2 h)
3. The role of mediation and its many contexts in providing career counseling and guidance. (2h)
4. Conflict theory. Differences in conflict handling methodologies (Leiendeker; Glasls; Jordan et al.) (2 h)
5. Types of conflicts and their recognition in career counseling (3 h)
6. Emotions in mediation. Development of emotional intelligence in mediation and conversation processes (1 h)
7. Use of different mechanisms and tools to optimize the emotional climate in resolving disputes and conflicts (Goulmans; Steiner, etc.) (3 h)
8. Communication theories in mediation (Rosenberg; Velheffer; Schulz von Tün; Vaclavik, etc.) (2 h)
9. Test - test to test knowledge about mediation, its principles, phases and conflict handling methodology (1h)
10. Professional competence, qualities, duties and responsibilities of the mediator in leading the process (Koser; Kelly et al.) (2h)
11. Creating a constructive dialogue in mediation. Conscious and respectful communication (Oganisyan & Oak; Bohm; Portere & Briede, etc.) (4 h)
12. Communication in cases of interpersonal disputes (2 h)
13. Different models of mediation and decision evaluation techniques and their use in career counseling (Bush; Kure, etc.) (4 h) 14. Seminar - mediation in career counseling (4 h)
Requirements for awarding credit points
75% attendance of classes, successfully written test; all practical work has been done; developed and defended independent work
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
•Test of mediation, its principles, phases and methodology of conflict handling. The test is performed in the classroom (1h).
•During the study process, practical tasks are performed both individually and in groups, and conflict situations and their possible solutions are played in role plays. The mediator's knowledge, skills and competencies are trained. •Independent work of couples, in which students prepare presentations on the use of mediation methods in career counseling, thus confirming the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities (4 h). The independent work is presented in the final seminar.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
•Class attendance (75%) - (max. 2 points from the assessment)
•Test - a test to test knowledge of mediation (from the assessment consists of max. 3 points)
•Seminar - mediation in career counseling (max. 3 points from the evaluation) •Active work during the study process - participation in practical tasks and role plays (max. 2 points from the assessment)
Compulsory reading
1.Leiendekers A. Konfliktu vadība. Rīga: Jumava, 2016. 199. lpp.
2.Trosens A., Hofmans R., Rotfišere D.B. Mediācija. Mediācijas pamati teorijā un praksē. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2007. 183. lpp.
3.Frīls Dž., Frīla L. Pieaugušie bērni. Disfunkcionālu ģimeņu noslēpumi. Zvaigzne ABC, 2016. 199. lpp.
4.Goulmens D. Tava emocionālā inteliģence. Jumava, 2001. 462. lpp.
5.Аллахвердова О. В. Обучение медиаторов и формирование компетенций. Вестник СПбГУ, 3(16), (2012). 51–59 c.
6.Сталбергб Д., Лав Л. Третий голос. , Москва: ООО Межрегиональный центр управленческого и политического консультирования, 2014. 220. cC.
7.Беркли-Ален M. Забытое искусство слушать. Cерия Гений общения, Санкт-Перетбург, 1997. 258 c.
8.Розенберг М. Ненасильственное общение. Язык Жизни. , Москва: София, 2018.
9.Сесно Ф. Как узнать всё, что нужно, задавая правильные вопросы. Москва: Альпина Паблишер, 2018. 10.Шамликашвили Ц.А., Никитина Е.С. Введение в диалогику. , Москва: ООО Межрегиональный центр управленческого и политического консультирования, 2011, 240 c.
Further reading
1.Mediācijas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 22.05.2014. Stājas spēkā 18.06.2014. [Skatīts 25.01.2022.] Pieejams:
2.Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 19.06.1998. Stājas spēkā 22.07.1998. [Skatīts 25.01.2022.] Pieejams:
3.Valsts bērnu tiesību aizsardzības inspekcijas metodiskie ieteikumi par bērna labāko interešu izvērtēšanu un bērna viedokļa noskaidrošanu
4.Par koncepciju Mediācijas ieviešana civiltiesisku strīdu risināšanā: Ministru kabineta rīkojums Nr. 121 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 18.02.2009. Stājas spēkā 18.02.2009. [Skatīts 25.01.2022.] Pieejams: 5. Mediācija. Labas prakses rokasgrāmata saskaņā ar 1980. gada 25.oktobra Hāgas konvenciju par starptautiskās bērnu nolaupīšanas civiltiesiskajiem aspektiem [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 25.01.2022.] Pieejams:
Optional study course in professional master programme “Career Counsellor” of 1th semester.