Course title Career Development Theories
Course code Peda5025
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Total Hours in Course 162
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 48
Independent study hours 98
Date of course confirmation 19/06/2013
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Dr. paed., asoc. prof. Vija Dišlere
Mg. ed., pasn. Jānis Pāvulēns

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Course of study contributes to knowledge acquisition and promotes students' understanding of the major career development theories, presents the best scientists G. Holland, D. Super, E. Grinzberg, J. Krumbolc, A. Roe, Sh. Fukuyama, M.Savickas, W.Patton, and M.McMahon who made efforts in developing the theories of career development and help develop an orientations for using theories in the career counsellor’s practice.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge: able to explain career development theories and their use in practice - Test 1, 2, 3, 4.
Skills to analyze, to compare and to evaluate career development theories - homeworks Competence - able to reasonably express their views on career development theories - seminars.
Course Content(Calendar)
Description of the content:
1.The theoretical basis of career development - 4h
2.Career development support system for lifelong learning in the context of the European Union and Latvia - 4h
3.Trait and Factor Theory - 4h
4.Developmental theories or Life – span theory - 4h
Test No 1
5.Theory of occupational allocation (Opportunity structure) - 4h
6.Behavioral theory, Social learning theory - 4h
7.Society interactive theory - 4h
Test No 2
8.Personality development theory - 4h
9.Theory of rational choice of profession - 4h
10.Women (gender), career development theory, racial, ethnic and cultural aspects - 4h
Test No 3
11.System Theory framework. Basic concepts of the systems approach. - 4h
12.Chaos Theory of Careers - 4h
13.Constructivist (constructionist) approach - 4h
14.Life design paradigm for career construction - 4h
15.Boundaryless and protean career theories - 4h
16.Career theories in knowledge society - 4h Test No 4
Requirements for awarding credit points
Oral examination or cumulative assessment of semester work.

The exam assignment consists of characteristics and comparison of two career development theories.
All tests and homework must be credited.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Independently worked out the conspectus of the career development theories suitable for a Master Thesis theme – 5 pages, must be submitted electronically. Constructivism sources in career theories - a conspectus, 3 pages, must be submitted electronically.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The content of the material presented and the ability to discuss and argue students’ views will be assessed in the practical works and discussions.
The ability to select information about career development theories, analyse and evaluate them, draw conclusions and justify them will be assessed in tests.
Independent homework is evaluated according to the criteria specified in them.
The exam will be evaluated in the 10-balls system.
Exam evaluation in the case of a semester cumulative assessment is (max can get 100 points; 10 points make exam marks for 1 ball):
•independent work and participation in lectures, seminars and practical work during the class - 40 points;
•1st test – 15 points;
•2nd test – 15 points;
•3rd test – 15 points. •4th test – 15 points
Compulsory reading
1.International Handbook of Career Guidance. J.A.Athanasou, R.Esbroeck (Eds.).N.Y.: Springer Science +Bussines Media B.V., 2008. 741 p. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6229-2; e-ISBN: 978-1-4020-6230-8;
2.Oļehnoviča E. Karjeras attīstības atbalsts un teorijas. No: Karjeras attīstības atbalsts: izglītība, konsultēšana, pakalpojumi. Jelgava: Jelgavas tipogrāfija, 63.-135.lpp. Pieejams: http://viaa.gov.lv/files/news/727/karjeras_attiistiibas_atbalsts_2008.pdf
3.NICE Handbook for the Academic Training of Career Guidance and Counselling Professionals. C.Schiersmann, B.-J.Ertelt, J.Katsarov, R.Mulvey, H.Reid, P. Weber(Eds.). Heidelberg: Heidelberg University, 2012. 127 p. ISBN 978-3-944230-03-0. Available: http://www.nice-network.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/NICE_Handbook_full_version_online.pdf
4.Savickas M. (2011). Career Counseling. Washington: American Psychological Association.
5.Sharf R.S. Applying career development. Theory to Counselling. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006. 468 p. ISBN: 0-534-27245-21. 6.Swanson J.L., Found N.A. Career Theory and Practice. Learning Through Case Studies. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4522-5669-6
Further reading
1.Big picture view of career development theory. Available: http://www.ccdf.ca/ccdf/NewCoach/english/ccoache/e4a_bp_theory.htm
2.Holland Codes. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holland_Codes
3.Holland’s six personality types. Available: https://www.careerkey.org/choose-a-career/holland-personality-types.html#.W5FAXugzaUk
4.Learn about Carl Rogers' work and influence. Pieejams: http://oprf.com/Rogers/
5.Osipow S.H., Fitzgerald L.F. Theories of Career Development. 4th ed.. Allunand Bacon. 1996. ISBN: 0-205-18391-3; 353 p.
6.Parsons’theory. Available https://www.careers.govt.nz/resources/career-practice/career-theory-models/parsons-theory/
7.Personality theories. Carl Rogers. Available: http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/rogers.html
8.Savickas, M. & Lent, R. (1994). Convergence in Career Development Theories. Palo Alto, California: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. and Stitt-Gohdes,W. (1997) Career Development. Columbus, Ohio: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career and Vocational Education. Available: https://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/K-12/Career%20and%20Technical%20Education/CEWStandards/Resources/Pedagogy/Most%20frequently%20cited%20career%20development%20theories.pdf
Periodicals and other sources
1.Journal of Vocational Behavior. Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN (printed): 0001-8791. ISSN (electronic): 1095-9084. Pieejams ScienceDirect: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00018791
2.Journal of Career Development. SAGE Publications. ISSN: 0894-8453. Pieejams: http://jcd.sagepub.com/
3. Karjeras atbalsts. VIAA. Pieejams: http://viaa.gov.lv/lat/karjeras_atbalsts_redir/karjeras_atbalsts/karjeras_atbalsts_jaunumi/
4.Karjeras centrs. Pieejams: http://www.karjerascentrs.lv/
5.Karjera. NVA. Pieejams: www.nva.lv 6.List of Journals „Careers in Theory”. Pieejams: http://careersintheory.wordpress.com/journals/
Study course: Career Development Theories