Course title Tendencies of Didactics Development
Course code Peda5001
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Number of hours for lectures 24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 24
Independent study hours 72
Date of course confirmation 20/04/2011
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Dr. paed., Irēna Katane

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Compulsory course in the master’s study program “Pedagogics” during the 2nd term of the 1st study-year or the 4th term of the 2nd study-year of full-time or part-time studies. The aim of the study course: the improvement and further development of master students’ knowledge, skills and competences in teaching/learning theories, the analysis and evaluation of the modern tendencies of didactics; the improvement of pedagogical and research activities in the field of didactics. Course includes theoretical substantiation of the study process in relation to the pedagogical practice. Exam.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
•Knowledge. Students know the essence of didactics, the basic didactic categories, the history of didactic development, the remarkable teachings of educators and scientists about the learning process, the procedural and cyclic nature of teaching.
•Skills. Students in their independent studies are able to find the most important lessons about the learning process, which does not lose its relevance even nowadays.
•Competences. Students are able to prepare their presentations as well as reasonably and competently discuss the topic of the seminar.
Workshop 1. Differentiated work in groups and individual work, participation in discussion (assessment with grade).

•Knowledge. Students know different theories of teaching.
•Skills and competences. Students are able to analyze teaching/learning theories in the context of historical and contemporary issues; are able to express his reasoned opinion by linking theory with pedagogical practice.
Workshop 2. Group work (assessment with grade).

•Knowledge. Students know and understand the essence of the didactic model.
•Skills. Is able to distinguish and analyze procedural and structural didactic models.
•Competences. is able to choose, analyze and evaluate didactic models published in monographs, dissertations, scientific articles. Able to prepare a presentation on the chosen model, as well as to argue reasonably in response to questions.
Workshop 3. Individual activity (assessment with grade).

•Knowledge. Students know different teaching/learning conceptions and approaches to study process. Understand the essence of curricular didactics. Know the essence and differences of the basic categories of curricular didactics.
•Skills and competences. Students are able to distinguish different types of education and training programs by their structure and content. Able to analyze, compare and evaluate program samples. Able to develop and improve existing programs themselves or even create new educational programs.
Workshop 4. Individual and group activity (assessment with grade).
Workshop 5. Individual activity (assessment with grade).
At the end of the course, an exam with a rating (summative or cumulative assessment).
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Trends in didactic development: didactics as a teaching theory among pedagogical disciplines and scientific directions; a brief overview and analysis of the content of the study course; didactic categories; requirements for independent work (3 h).
2.The historical beginnings of didactics. Trends in Didactics Development in the 20th - 21st Century Didactics in Western Europe. Anglo-American pedagogical/educational psychology theories. Materialistic didactics (3 h).
3.Study process as a system of interaction. The regularities and principles of the learning process. Teaching/learning process model. Teaching/learning Components and Contexts. The role of the situation and the environment in study process. The procedural and cyclic nature of study process. Planning, organization and management of the study process. Evaluation (3 h).
4.Workshop 1: History of Didactics Development. World-wide and Latvian pedagogical classics and modern scientists pedagogical cognitions and viewpoints on the study process (3 h).
5.Teaching/Learning Theories: Behaviorism, Gestalt Pedagogy and Gestalt Psychology (3 h)..
6.Teaching/Learning Theories: Humanistic and Ecological Approach to Learning (3 h).
7.Teaching/Learning Theories: Cognitivism and Constructivism (3 h).
8.Workshop 2. Teaching/Learning theories and their representatives on study process (3 h).
9.Essence and scientific basis of the didactic model (1 h).
10.Diversity of Didactic Models. Processual and structural didactic models of the teaching/learning process and teaching/learning environment (3 h).
11.Workshop 3. Didactic models. Analysis and evaluation of classical and modern didactic models. Teaching/Learning Environment as a Multilevel, Multi-Context and Multifunctional Interaction System (3 h).
12.Teaching/Learning conceptions and approaches to learning: active learning; problem-based learning (2 h).
13.Teaching/Learning conceptions and approaches to learning: work-place based learning; distance learning and e-learning; IT in education (2 h).
14.Teaching/Learning conceptions and approaches to learning: self-directed learning; competences-based learning; transformative training (2 h).
15.Curricular Didactics. Educational program and curriculum. Educational content / curriculum content. Types of programs and their structure (3 h).
16.Workshop 4. Planning and managing open lessons (in study group: 5 h). 17.Workshop 5. Presentation of Own Education Program or Curriclum (3 h).
Requirements for awarding credit points
All the requirements of the study course are respected, positive evaluations have been obtained in all 4 workshops.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Lectures and seminars are planned and managed for students.
Students at the beginning of the study course already know all the requirements for a successful completing of study course. Independent work in preparation for seminars.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Participation in lectures.
Participation in all seminars/workshops.
In-depth independent theoretical studies in the field of didactics (teaching/learning theories). All requirements have been respected, all independent work has been carried out and successful assessments have been obtained in all 4 workshops.
Compulsory reading
1.Andersone R. Izglītības un mācību priekšmetu progrmmas. Rīga RaKa, 2007. 2. Curriculum Studies. R.Colin (Ed.). Routledge, 2017. 3. Didaktika. Ievērojamie pedagogi par mācību teoriju. A.Kopeloviča, L.Žukovs (sast.). Rīga: RaKa, 2000. 4.Geidžs N.L., Berliners D.C. Pedagoģiskā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. 5.Gudjons H. Pedagoģijas pamatatziņas. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 6.Kalvāns Ē. Mūsdienu personības teorijas [tiešsaiste]. Rēzekne: RTA, 2017. [Skatīts 14.01.2019.]. Pieejams http://books.rta.lv/index.php/RTA/catalog/view/2/1/4-1. 7.Mācību saturs kompetenču pieejā: ko tas nozīmē skolotājiem? [tiešsaiste]. Rīga: LU, VISC, 2018. [skatīts 14.01.2019.] Pieejams http://www.izm.gov.lv/images/izglitiba_visp/Konferences_Tagad/VISC_un_LU_-_M%C4%81c%C4%ABbu_saturs_kompeten%C4%8Du_pieej%C4%81.pdf 8.Pritchard A. Ways of Learning: Learning Theories for the Classroom. A David Fulton Book, 2017. 9.Schunk D.H. Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. Pearson Education, 2014. 10.Šūmane I. Pusaudžu mācību sasniegumus veicinoša mācību vide. Rīga: LU, 2012. Teacher Education Planning Handbook [tiešsaiste] British Counsil, 2017. [Skatīts 14.01.2019.] Pieejams https://www.britishcouncil.in/sites/default/files/teacher_education_planning_handbook_0.pdf 11.Žogla I. Didaktikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: RaKa, 2001.
Further reading
1. Baltušīte R., Katane I. Prasības skolotāja personībai laika griežos. No: Palīgs jaunajam skolotājam. 1.daļa: No Teorijas uz pedagoģisko praksi. Jelgava: LLU TF IMI, 2006, 120.–139. lpp. 2. Beļickis I. Vērtīborientētā mācību stunda. Rīga: RaKa, 2000.280 lpp. 3. Krastiņa E., Pipere A. Skolēnu mācību sasniegumu pašizvērtēšana sākumskolā. Rīga: Raka, 2004. 216 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Journal of Education for Teaching. Online ISSN: 1360-0540. Pieejams: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/02607476.asp 2. Journal of Educational Psychology. Online ISSN: 1939-2176. Pieejams: http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/edu/index.aspx 3. Žurnāls „Skolotājs”. ISSN 1407-1945
Compulsory study course of the academic master study program "Pedagogy".