Course title Methodology of Home Economics
Course code Peda3034
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 32
Independent study hours 72
Date of course confirmation 23/10/2013
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Dr. paed., asoc. prof. Vija Dišlere
Dr. paed., Aija Pridāne

Prior knowledge
Peda2027, General Pedagogy
Peda2051, Didactics I
Peda2052, Didactics II
Psih2019, General Psychology
Psih2029, Developmental Psychology
Course abstract
Course of study contributes to knowledge acquisition and promotes students' understanding of the methodology of home economics and technology subject. Studies courses offer to study the history of home economics education, home economics trends and current events in Latvia and foreign countries, to develop competencies in planning thematic schedule, using the best teaching methods, preparing, planning and evaluating home economics lessons, evaluating students' learning results, compilation and evaluation home economics textbook, providing facilities. Students examine the types of tests, forms and methods of determination. Gain knowledge and skills tests development and evaluation.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
•Knowledge - able to acquire and understand the theories of home economics (HE); usage them in practice - learning regularities of HE and technology, of the subject of methodology and it’s tasks, of the challenges of learning components, of the general principles of methodology, of elements of teaching techniques, of history of HE education, about development trends of HE, of HE training workshop facilities provided. Knowledge of the role of creative and independent work in training, the types of evaluation – Theory test.
•Skills – able to analyze and assess theories of methodology of HE and to choose the most appropriate for HE training process, the most appropriate teaching methods, textbooks, teaching classes, students study works of home economics – Practical works. •Competences - able to navigate the home economics and technology program development and assessment, able to draw up the thematic schedule, use of appropriate teaching methods, able to plan the lesson, able to compile and evaluate the students' tests and practical works – Independent homeworks.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.History of home economics education - 2h 2.Topicalities of home economics - 3h 3.Personality and professionalism of home economics teachers - 2h 4.Specialty perspectives of home economics teacher - 2h 5.Guidelines and study programs in home economics and technology from Ministry of Education - 2h 6.Teaching methods used in home economics and technologies - 2h 7.Preparation and planning of home economics and technology classes - 3h 8.Analysis and assessment of home economics lessons - 3h 9.Methodology for compilation and assessment of teaching textbooks - 3h 10.Material and technical bases in home economics training - 2h Theory test. 11.Evaluation systems in European countries. The role of feedback in the learning process - 3h 12.The essence of formative and summative assessment. Knowledge levels - 2h 13.Forms and methodological tests used for the study of pupils' learning achievements - 3h 14.Test matrices - 3h 15.Conformity of the evaluation criteria with the type of examination and the degree of difficulty - 2h 16.Organization of pupil projects and independent creative work and evaluation of results - 3h
Requirements for awarding credit points
Test with mark.
Requirements for passing the test:
1.Attendance classes.
2.Developed and defended practical work during the classes, which will be evaluated by the "pass / fail".
3.Presenting and defending the independent home works, estimated with a mark of 10 points in the system 4.Pass theory test, which is estimated with a mark of 10 points in the system.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
1. Write a review of a book, which is published in foreign language on a topic of home economics or craft training (for example, handicrafts, cooking, paper wrapping, woodworking, metalworking, clothing, etc.), the book should be evaluated according to the criteria for assessing the quality of the textbook.
2. Prepare the presentation in the PowerPoint for one of the home economics’ topics for the elementary school and prepare the relevant materials.
3. Develop a methodology for organizing study tours for school pupils using theoretical guidelines.
4. To prepare and implement 2 tests for school pupils on the chosen topic, conducts the assessment of the results of the tests. The summary and recommendations for improving the learning outcomes in the subject areas of the given scheme should be prepared in:
1) Home Economics and Technology;
2) Informatics or Visual Arts.
5. To study textbooks, participates in seminars, certifying awareness in:
1) formative and summative assessment; 2) assessment forms and methodological methods.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, a 10-ball scale grade is planned.
Knowledge control and evaluation criteria:
•How the individual independent works correspond with nominated requirements.
•Presentation skills. •Work organization skills – respect the deadlines.
Compulsory reading
1.Dišlere V. Mājturības mācību metodika. LLU studiju materiāli topošajiem mājturības un tehnoloģiju skolotājiem. Jelgava: LLU, PMPMA, 2011. ISBN 987-9934-8029-0-4. Pieejams: http://estudijas.llu.lv (Peda3034)
2.Dišlere V. Mācību grāmatu sastādīšanas didaktika amatu mācībām pieaugušajiem. Jelgava, 2003, 20 lpp. Pieejams: http://estudijas.llu.lv (Peda3034)
3.Mācību priekšmetu programmu paraugi Pieejams: https://visc.gov.lv/vispizglitiba/saturs/programmas.shtml
4. Betels Dž. Rokasgrāmata pārbaudes darbu veidotājiem. Rīga : Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, 2003.84 lpp. 5. Noteikumu projekts "Noteikumi par valsts pamatizglītības standartu un pamatizglītības programmu paraugiem". Pieejams: http://tap.mk.gov.lv/mk/tap/?pid=40464178
Further reading
1. Mācības patērētājzinībās: gudra izvēle. 7 mācību moduļi patērētājizglītībā pieaugušajiem. No:LLP/ Grundtvig-2 projekts Patērētāju izglītošanas pilnveide laukos 2004-2007, Projekta koord Vija Dišlere. Jelgava: PMPMA, 2007. 194 lpp. Pieejams: http://estudijas.llu.lv 2. Betels Dž. Ievads pārbaudes darbu statistiskā analīzē. Rīga : Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, 2003. 52 lpp. 3. Skolēnu mācību sasniegumu vērtēšana. Rīga: IZM, ISAP, 2004.
Periodicals and other sources
1. InternationalFederationofHome Economics. Pieejams: http://www.ifhe.org/ 2. Skolotājs. Rīga: RaKa, ISSN1407-1045 3. Sākums Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC. ISSN 1691-5917
Study course: Methodology of Home Economics