Course title Innovations in the food company
Course code PārZP043
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Date of course confirmation 21/03/2018
Responsible Unit Institute of Food
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., asoc. prof. Jeļena Zagorska

Prior knowledge
PārZ1013, Food Law
PārZ1015, Quality Systems
PārZ3089, New Food Product Development
Replaced course
PārZR002 [GPARR002] Innovations in the food company
Course abstract
The aim of study course is strengthen the knowledge acquired during studies and gain practical skills in the development of new food products and quality assurance. Students get acquainted with the new product development system of the company.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After the course students will have:
Specialized knowledge and critical understanding of the new product development system in the food production company, its structure and role in the development of the company. Practise report development and defence
Skills to behave in a product development group in the company, to plan, to develop, and to work out new food products. Practise report development and defence Competence to understand and to evaluate the benefits of systematic new product development in the food production company and progression. Practise report development and defence
Course Content(Calendar)
1.General information about enterprise: name, type of business, location, specialization, innovation development in the company, new product development group and significance for enterprise development; new tendencies for product development, characterization of new products (last 3 years developed). Week 1.
2. The new product production technology. Development of the documents for product production and realization; Preparation of practice report. Week 2.
* New product development planning, use of selected software, product concept development. Factors influencing the development of innovations.
* Improvement of new products, used test methods - tastings, sensory evaluation, consumer tests. New product quality control.
* Development of documents for production and sale of products. Adherence to HACCP principles and application to new products. Documents meeting the requirements of the quality system.
3. Preparation of a new product for sale - market analysis, identification and characterization of the target group, product packaging (type of packaging, size, choice of material, design), cost calculations, pricing, marketing activities, their justification.The trainee's conclusions and recommendations.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Pass without score
To have positive evaluation student should:
•participate in practise (100%);
•successfully work out and defence practice report according tasks;
•to get positive evaluation from practise supervisor (from company) Students have attended the briefing on safety at work place and arranged their personal sanitary books.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
According the requirements of Methodological instructions "Implementation of practice at the Faculty of Food Technology",student should work out and present practice report.
1.Information about enterprise:
•name, type of business, location, specialization,
•raw materials, their classification and description;
•characteristics and controlled parameters of the ready products;
2. New product development:
•production process sequence and parameters. Parameters and operation reasons; Equipment used (trademark, process, principles of operation) in production; journals of Technological processes
•equipment and facilities sanitation (cleaning frequency, used disinfectants and cleaning agents, the responsible person) in the company
•auxiliary materials, semi-finished products and ready products, their accounting. Losses during production process. Raw material consumption per unit production;
•the by-products, their processing technology and economic benefits;
3. The hygienic requirements of the company. Environmental protection and safety measures. 4. Conclusions and recommendations.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The evaluation of the practise depends on practice report quality. Practice report is evaluated as appropriate (positive), if 70% of it is described according requirements.
Compulsory reading
1. Metodiskais materiāls prašu īstenošanai Pārtikas Tehnoloģijas fakultātē, https://www.ptf.llu.lv/sites/ptf/files/2020-04/Prakses_nolikums_2020.pdf;
2. Uzņēmumā esošā pieejamā informācija par jaunu produktu izstrādi.
3. Mitra J. The business of innovation. 1st edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Pub., 2017. ISBN 9781446210802. 4. Trott P. Innovation management and new product development. 6th edition. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2017. 635 p. ISBN 9781292133423
Further reading
1.The crisis of food brands: sustaining safe, innovative and competitive food supply. Edited by A. Lindgreen, M. K. Hingley, J. Vanhamme. Farnham, Surrey ;Burlington, VT: Gower, 2009. 352 p.
2.Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 05.12.2018.]. Pieejams: www.likumi.lv
3.European Union: Regulations, Directives and other acts [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 05.12.2018.]. Pieejams: https://europa.eu/european-union/eu-law/legal-acts_en. 4. Noformēšanas vadlīnijas, https://www.ptf.llu.lv/sites/ptf/files/2021-02/Noformesanas_noteikumi_2020_PTF.pdf
Periodicals and other sources
1. EIT Food, https://www.eitfood.eu. 2. The European Federation of Food Science and Technology, https://www.effost.org/default.aspx.
Limited Currency course for academic programme “Food Quality and Innovations”.