Statuss(Neaktīvs) | Izdruka | Arhīvs(0) | Studiju plāns Vecais plāns | Kursu katalogs | Vēsture |
Course title | Food Quality Management |
Course code | PārZ4021 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 2.25 |
Total Hours in Course | 60.75 |
Number of hours for lectures | 16 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 8 |
Date of course confirmation | 12/10/2011 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Land Management and Geodesy |
Course developers | |
Dr. sc. ing., Anita Blija |
There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course | |
Course abstract | |
In the study programme „Food quality management” students can obtain theoretical and practical knowledge about quality systems management: quality terminology; quality control and politics; hazard analyses in the critical control points; assessment of quality systems; elements of quality systems; total quality management; statistical control methods; quality economics. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
Knowledge about food quality managements systems and principles, able to show understanding of key quality management concepts and regularities of the importance of food industry development; skills learned quality management theoretical basics are capable of a scientific approach to food quality system for problem solving and leadership of the company; competence ability to use the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of effective quality management strategy in the company. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1. Andres Vasconcellos J. Quality Assurance in the Food Industry. Chapman & Hall, 2003. 370 p.
2. Quality management in food chains. Edited by: al.. Wageningen :Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2007. 509 p. 3. Kvalitātes vadības sistēma. Rīga: “Biznesa partneri, 2002. 1. un 2.daļa. 4. Leilands J. Kvalitātes vadības sistēmas: jaunā ISO 9001:2008 standarta prasību skaidrojums. Rīga, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009. 176 lpp. |
Further reading | |
1. Food safety risk analysis :a guide for national food safety authorities. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization. Rome: FAO :WHO, 2006 102 p. Pieejams:
2. Alli Inteaz. Food quality assurance :principles and practices I.Alli, B.Raton etc. CRC Press, 2004. 151 p. 3. Neyts K., Vermeiren L., Devlieghere F., Devebere J. Good Manufacturing Practice and HACCP. Ghent University, Belgium, 2000. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1. Kvalitāte :žurnāls par kvalitāti un kvalitātes vadīšanu Rīga: Latvijas Kvalitātes asociācija. ISSN 1407-7671
2. Journal of Food Protection. Published by Allen Press Online Publishing. ISSN: 0362-028X 3. Lebensmitteltechnik: offizielles Organ des Bundes Deutscher Lebensmitteltechnologen e.V. ISSN: 0047-4290 |