Course title Packaging and Design
Course code PārZ3091
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Total Hours in Course 162
Number of hours for lectures 24
Number of hours for laboratory classes 40
Independent study hours 98
Date of course confirmation 21/10/2020
Responsible Unit Institute of Food
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Sandra Muižniece-Brasava

Prior knowledge
MākZ1004, Composition and Colour Studies I
MākZ2016, Composition and Colour Studies II
MākZ3027, Fundamentals of Design and Product Registration
Replaced course
PārZB006 [GPARB006] Packaging and Design
Course abstract
Students get acquainted with general characteristics of food packaging materials, functions. Nowadays, packaging is a mediator between products and the consumer, along with the primary function of packaging - product design, functionality, packaging design, and label also play a key role in product preservation. Packaging design is an essential driver of product marketing in the market. New innovative packaging materials (conventional and biodegradable) and technologies (air environment, protective gas environment, active packaging, intelligent packaging) will become increasingly topical, and their use requires knowledge of the compatibility of food packaging materials, products and packaging technologies. Transport packaging and logistics. Packaging recycling options.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
1.Knowledge and understanding of food packaging materials, their design and functionality, ease of use, and compatibility of packaging materials with various products. Importance of design and packaging designs and materials for product introduction to the market. Knowledge of packaging materials (conventional and biodegradable) and advanced packaging technologies (traditional and innovative), which often limit the formation of packaging forms. Students are able to explain the key concepts and regularities of the packaging industry – laboratory work; 1st and 2nd test.
2.Skills to orientate in food packaging types, mold making processes and packaging technologies. Students are able to develop and analyse product packaging solutions according to requirements; analyse packaging industry technologies, and follow new technology developments and trends. Students are able to use packaging industry standards and technical regulations, know the quality systems of the packaging industry, are able to apply them at work, in addition they know and use industry terminology. Interpretation of research results, conclusion and summary formulation. Students are able to perform aesthetic, material-technical, functional and economic analysis of the product and work independently or in a group – laboratory work; 3rd test. 3.Competence: ability to creatively and independently conduct research on food product packaging ideas by exploring end-user needs and markets. Ability to create – new, functional, rational, cheaper, easy-to-use, aesthetically valuable packaging. Ability to navigate and know the materials used in the packaging industry, analyse their development and development tendencies, be able to apply them at work. Ability to develop product design solutions and make necessary adjustments – 4th test; homework, laboratory work.
Course Content(Calendar)
Full time intramural studies:
1.General characteristics of the packaging system, market trends. 2h lectures.
2.Packaging design as one of the market drivers. Work in groups. 2h lectures; 4h – laboratory works.
Test 1: Packaging, its design as a marketing element. 1h laboratory work.
3.Recent packaging materials, their characteristics. Discussion. 1h lecture; 2h laboratory works.
4.Packaging forms, their characteristics and formation. Work in groups. 3h lectures; 6h laboratory works.
Test 2: Packaging, its characteristics. 1h laboratory work.
5.Packaging constructions. Work in groups. 1h lecture; 4h laboratory works.
6.Label  its role in choosing a product. 2h lectures.
7.Single-layer materials and laminates, their compatibility with products. 2h lectures.
8.Packaging technology for air and modified environments. 2h lectures.
Test 3: Analysing the packaging according to the set criteria. 1h laboratory work.
9.Innovation in packaging. Discussion. Critical approach to analysing them. 1h lecture; 2h laboratory work.
10.Active and intelligent packaging. 2h lectures.
11.Biodegradable packaging. 2h lectures.
12.Types of packaging printing (flexography, offset printing, silk-screen printing, drum press, foil printing, embossing, etc.). 1h lecture.
13.Packaging functionality and product compatibility. Work in groups. Discussion. 1h lecture; 6h laboratory works.
14.Transport packaging and logistics. Evaluation. Work in groups. 1h lecture.
15.Packaging recycling options. Discussion. 1h lecture; 6h laboratory works.
Test 4: Optimisation of selected packaging solutions. 1h laboratory work.
16.Presentation of homework and discussions about the data obtained in the questionnaire and possibility to optimize. 6h - laboratory works.

Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Requirements for awarding credit points
Formal test (grade) where the rating consists of:
1.An independent work report must be submitted on the basis of which the student passes the test (60% of the grade).
2.All four tests must be successfully written, all laboratory work must be done, home assignments have to be completed (40% of the grade).
All tests and homework assignments must have a positive evaluation in order to defend the report.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
1st homework. To conduct a survey of 30 respondents and find out their knowledge and opinion about packaging and its design (submission of questionnaire electronically).
2nd homework. Creating a prototype design for the packaging of the product chosen by the student (prototype and description report – at least 4 pages, submitted electronically) 3rd homework. Packaging recycling, volume reduction / optimization options (report at least 4 pages, submitted electronically).
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Formal test (grade) where the rating consists of:
1.Independent work report, on the basis of which the student passes the test (60% of the grade).
2.Successfully written all four tests (20% of the grade). 3.All the laboratory works are competed and all homework assignments have a positive evaluation (20% of the grade).
Compulsory reading
1.Helstrom D., Olsoon A. Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development: A Compass for Strategic Directions. Chichester, UK: Wiley. 2017. 240 p.
2.Dukaļska L., Muižniece-Brasava S. Progresīvās iepakojuma tehnoloģijas pārtikas industrijā. Jelgava: LLU, 2012. 192 lpp. I
3.Boylston S. Designing Sustainable Packaging: Green Design, Packaging Design, Laurence King Publishers, 2009. 182 p.
4.Roncarelli S., Ellicott C. Packaging Essentials, 100 Design Principles for Creating Packages. 2010. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xww&AN=576650&site=ehost-live
Further reading
1.Robertson G.L. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. CRC Press, 2012. 733 p. 2.Dukaļska L., Muižniece-Brasava S. Biodegradējamie iepakošanas materiāli pārtikas industrijā. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 104 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1.The Design Journal. An International Journal for All Aspects of Design [tiešsaite]. [Skatīts 05.10.2020.]. Pieejams: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rfdj20/21/3?nav=tocList
2.International Journal of Design [tiešsaite]. [Skatīts 03.09.2020.]. Pieejams: http://www.ijdesign.org/index.php/IJDesign
3.The magazine Tara i upakovka [tiešsaite]. [Skatīts 10.10.2020.] . Pieejams: http://www.magpack.ru/en/win/soderj.html 4.The European Organization for Packaging and the Environment [tiešsaite]. [Skatīts 10.10.2020.] . Pieejams: https://europen-packaging.eu/about-us.html
Mandatory study course for students of the 2nd level higher education professional bachelor study program “Design and Crafts” of Faculty of Engineering, intended during 7th semester for full-time students and 9th semester for part-time students.