Course title Food Engineering and Equipment
Course code PārZ3073
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Independent study hours 81
Date of course confirmation 16/02/2016
Responsible Unit Institute of Food
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Ruta Galoburda
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Tatjana Ķince
Dr. sc. ing., doc. Elīna Sturmoviča

Prior knowledge
PārZ2004, Food Engineering and Equipment I
Course abstract
In the course work student selects all the equipment necessary for production of the certain food product, designing the scheme of machinery. Student studies and describes operation of equipment, learns about differences in equipment design, their use and suitability for realization of certain technological task. Performs calculations. The course work is illustrated with equipment schemes, and the technical parameters of the selected equipment are described.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
• Knowledge on principles of equipment operation, design, technical parameters;
• skills to select appropriate equipment for the production of certain food product, develop the scheme of machinery; • competence - to justify selection of equipment for realization of certain technological process.
Compulsory reading
1. Pārtikas rūpniecības tehnoloģiskās iekārtas. L. Dukaļskas redakcijā. Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2000. 514 lpp.
2. Galoburda R., Rakčejeva T. Gaisa, ūdens un dažādu pārtikas produktu raksturlielumi: Tabulas inženiertehnisko studiju priekšmetu kursam. Jelgava: LLU PTF, 2009. 40 lpp.
3. Fellows P. J. Food Processing Technology. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2000. 575 p. 4. Dukaļska L., Galoburda R. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas procesi un aparāti. Jelgava: LLU, 1999. 288 lpp.
Further reading
1. Chemical Engineering for the Food Industry. Ed. by P.J.Fryer, D.L.Pyle, C.D. Rielly. London etc., 1997. 462 p.
2. Dairy Processing Handbook. Lund: Tetra Pak Processing Systems AB, 1995. 436 p. 3. Kunkulberga D., Segliņš V. Maizes ražošanas tehnoloģija. Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2010. 292 lpp.