Course title Food microbiology
Course code PārZ2064
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 8
Number of hours for laboratory classes 24
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 21/03/2018
Responsible Unit Institute of Food
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., Līga Skudra

Prior knowledge
Ķīmi2018, Food Organic Chemistry
PārZ1003, Biology of Raw Materials of Food
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is provide fundamental knowledge on general and food microbiology. By mastering the characteristics and development of microorganisms, students are able to to determine the usefulness of microorganisms in the technological processes of food production. Students gain knowledge about the impact of different microorganisms on the quality of food products. During laboratory work students learn microorganism detection methods
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After completing the course, the student will have:
Knowledge and understanding of microorganism morphology, physiology, biochemistry, metabolism processes and the external environmental factors which affect them, as well as the relationship between food production processes and quality of food products.
Skills to work with microscopy methods and methodology, and to analytically evaluate, explain and have an argumented discussion about the obtained results.
Competence to obtain, select and analyse methods and methodology for the determination of microorganisms in food products and their quality evaluation.

1. Knowledge of microorganism morphology, physiology and metabolism and the external environmental factors that affect them – test no. 1
2. Knowledge about microorganism metabolism and the influence of their metabolites on changes of food product quality – test no. 2 3.Understanding and ability to evaluate microbiological safety of food products and their association to the production of food products – test no. 3
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Microorganism taxonomy and morphological characteristics
2. Morphological characteristics of microorganisms. Lab work "How to make basic microscopic preparations"
3. Microorganism enzymes and metabolism processes
4. Microorganism enzyme groups. Lab work: "How to make stained microscopic preparations"
5. Prevalence of microorganisms in nature
6. Test no.1. Lab work "'Determination of the count of microorganisms in the substrate'
7. Prevalence of microorganisms in nature
8. Air, water, soil microflora and its association with food products. Lab work: "Microbiological control of air"
9. The influence of external factors on the development of microorganisms
10. Biotic factors (symbiosis, metabolism, antagonism). Lab work: "Microbiological monitoring of water"
11. Protein and fat transformations in foods by microorganism presence
12. Carbohydrate transformations by microorganism presence. Lab work: "Sanitary-hygienic examination of hands and equipment"
13. Test no.2
14. Characteristics of pathogenic microorganisms. Food toxicosis and mycotoxicosis
15. Pathogenic foodborne infections 16. Test no.3
Requirements for awarding credit points
1. Microorganism taxonomy and morphological characteristics
2. Morphological characteristics of microorganisms. Lab work "How to make basic microscopic preparations"
3. Microorganism enzymes and metabolism processes
4. Microorganism enzyme groups. Lab work: "How to make stained microscopic preparations"
5. Prevalence of microorganisms in nature
6. Test no.1. Lab work "'Determination of the count of microorganisms in the substrate'
7. Prevalence of microorganisms in nature
8. Air, water, soil microflora and its association with food products. Lab work: "Microbiological control of air"
9. The influence of external factors on the development of microorganisms
10. Biotic factors (symbiosis, metabolism, antagonism). Lab work: "Microbiological monitoring of water"
11. Protein and fat transformations in foods by microorganism presence
12. Carbohydrate transformations by microorganism presence. Lab work: "Sanitary-hygienic examination of hands and equipment"
13. Test no.2
14. Characteristics of pathogenic microorganisms. Food toxicosis and mycotoxicosis
15. Pathogenic foodborne infections 16. Test no.3
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Students independently analyse the literature on food microbiology, prepare for knowledge tests, defend the laboratory work by analysing the obtained results and applied methods
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
In order to receive a cumulative grade, all tests must be evaluated with at least 7 points (out of 10). If the evaluation is below 7, students will write additional test.
Compulsory reading
1.Food science and technology: new research. Editors L. V. Greco, M. N. Bruno. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008. 482 p.
2.Позняковский В. М. Гигиенические основы питания, безопасность и экспертиза пищевых продуктов: учебник. 3-е изд., испр. и доп. Новосибирск: Сибирское университетское издательство, 2002. 553 c.
3.Жарикова Г.Г., Козьмина А.О. Микробиология, санитария и гигиена пищевых продуктов :практикум: учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по спец. "Товароведение и экспертиза товаров" и "Технология продуктов общественного питания". Москва: ГЕЛАН, 2001. 254 с. 4.Сидоренко О.Д. Микробиология: учебник для студ. вузов, обучающихся по спец. "Технология производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции". Москва: ИНФРА-М, 2005. 285 с.
Further reading
1.Encyclopedia of microbiology. Editor in chief M. Schaechter. 3rd ed. London: Academic Press, 2009. 2.Taylor & Francis Group CRCnetBASE e-grāmatas
Periodicals and other sources
1. Food Microbiology, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/food-microbiology 2. European Food Safety Authority, https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en
Compulsory study course in the academic bachelor's study programm "Food Quality and Innovations".