Course title Hydrothermical Processing of Wood I
Course code MatZP020
Credit points (ECTS) 1.5
Total Hours in Course 40.5
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Date of course confirmation 18/02/2014
Responsible Unit Institute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., vad.pētn. Edgars Bukšāns

Prior knowledge
Ener2002, Heat Engineering and Supply
Ener3024, Electrical Engineering and Fundamental of Electronics
Fizi2013, Physics
Mate4016, Mathematics I
Mate4017, Mathematics II
MatZ2008, Wood Science
Course abstract
Visiting of leading wood processing companies of Latvia. Study of the wood drying methods and technology. Study of the different wood drying methods, detailed description of main elements and working principles of wood drying kilns.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
• Basic knowledge about wood drying technology in Latvia wood processing companies.
• Skills to compare and evaluate wood drying technologies. • Be competent in basics of wood drying technologies.
Compulsory reading
1. Rowell R.M. Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites. Taylor&Francis, 2005. 487 p.
2. Trübswetter T. Holztrocknung, Verfahren zur Trocknung von Schnittholz - Planung von Trocknungsanlagen, 2009. 204 p. 3. EDG-Recomendation "Assessment of drying quality of timber", 1994, 27 p., pieejams http://www.timberdry.net/downloads/EDG/EDG-Recommendation(eng).pdf
Periodicals and other sources
1. Starptautiskie žurnāli "Baltijas Koks" ISSN 1407-6667.
2. Koka nozares laikraksts "Holz-Zentralblatt". ISSN:0018-3792 3. http://www.timberdry.net (portāls par koksnes žāvēšanu).