Course title | Production of Wooden Articles |
Course code | MatZ4009 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 4.5 |
Total Hours in Course | 121.5 |
Number of hours for lectures | 40 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 8 |
Date of course confirmation | 18/02/2014 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing |
Course developers | |
Mg. sc. ing., pasn. Andrejs Domkins |
There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course | |
Course abstract | |
Forms of wooden articles. Wood-based structures and basic principles of their forming. Criteria for selection of materials. Ensuring of the quality of wooden articles. Norms and guidelines of the quality. Technological preparation and technologies of the production. Logistics of the production of wooden articles. Opportunities to promote the use of wood. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
Students will be able to: evaluate recent high technology manufacturing plant upgrades in the local community, explain the free enterprise system in relation to the global wood products industry, identify different materials for a variety of wood products, conduct destructive and non-destructive materials testing, differentiate between types of wood joints, classify assembly methods, components, and adhesives, use appropriate furniture fixtures, fasteners, and display products, use components of various furniture products, describe major product lines: industrial, remanufactured, and engineered wood products, design a products, manufacture a wood products, select testing systems for wood products, select packaging for a wood produce, explain supply and demand of raw materials in relation to wood products manufacturing. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1. Hachten W. A., Haygreen J. G., Bowyer J. L. Forest Products and Wood Science. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State Press, 2003. 554 p.
2. Williston Ed.M. Value-added Wood Products. Manufacturing and Marketing Strategies. Miller Freeman Inc., 2001. 218 p. 3. Aghayere A., Vigil J. Structural Wood Design: A Practice-Oriented Approach. Hoboken, New Yersey: JohnWiley. 2007. 396 p. 4. Lohmann, Ulf (Bearbeiter). Holzlexikon A-K und L-Z. Leinfelden DRW-Weinbrenner, 2003. ISBN 387181 3559 2 Bände zus. |
Further reading | |
1. Handbuch der Konstruktion Möbel und Einbauschränke. Deutsche Verlags Anstal, Germany, 2006. 398 s.
2. Handbuchtechnishes Zeichnen und Entwerfen Möbel und Innenausbau. Deutsche Verlags Anstal, Germany, 2004. 280 s. 3. Lefteri C. Wood, Materials for Inspirational Design. Switzerland: RotoVision, 2003. 160 p. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1. Holz-zentralblatt. Stuttgart. Germany: DRW-Verlags-GmbH. ISSN 0018-3792 2. Baltijas Koks: starptautisks žurnāls uzņēmīgiem cilvēkiem. Rīga: Meža Mediju centrs. ISSN 1407-6667 |