Course title Logging
Course code MežZP027
Credit points (ECTS) 9
Total Hours in Course 243
Independent study hours 243
Date of course confirmation 02/02/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., Aleksandrs Saveļjevs
Mg. sc. ing., pasn. Māris Davidāns

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
During professional practice, students have been acquainted with forest work technology, equipment, work and management organisations in the logging company. Learn the first practical skills of working in the forest as loggers, job leaders, their deputies or mudsliders.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After the course, the student will have:
Knowledge of the correct elimination of environmental pollution, the use of preventive measures to avoid environmental pollution in a timely manner, is able to determine the severity of the damage in order to take a decision on the further suspension of the technique (practice report)
Skills — Detecting the nature of wood, recognizing the defects of assortments and identifying their causes. (practice report)
Review of the harvester head survey system, system calibration principles and control capabilities. (practice report) Competence - responsible assessment of the different conditions of logging, ways of improving these conditions and the benefits of improving the conditions of logging and measuring depth. (practice report)
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Introduction to the learning process.
2. Correct working methods and their effective use in working with forvarder.
3. Correct working methods and their effective use in working with forvarder.
4. Correct working methods and their effective use in working with forvarder.
5. Correct working methods and their effective use in working with forvarder.
6. Correct working methods and their effective use in working with forvarder.
7. Quality and quality control of assortments.
8. Quality and quality control of assortments.
9. Adjust the speed of the forwarder boom.
10. Adjust the speed of the Harvester manipulator and harvester head movement.
11. Adjust the speed of the Harvester boom.
12. Identification, classification and actions to be taken to improve conditions.
13. Regulating forwarder and harvester control levers.
14. Calibration of Harvester's head.
15. Quality and quality control of assortments. 16. Compliance of logging processes with environmental requirements.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Learning a practice program, submitting a report to settle a successful practice check-in.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Independent familiarity with the responsibilities of the logging master and the documents governing them. Preparation of the practice report according to the methodological instructions.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Practice programme in place of practice, 'positive assessment' presented
Compulsory reading
1. Sarmulis Z., Apaļo kokmateriālu sagatavošana un piegāde: metodiskie materiāli tehnoloģiskajai praksei. Jelgava, 2006., 39 lpp.
3. Kopšanas ciršu rokasgrāmata: Autoru kolektīva Rīga “AS Latvijas Valsts meži”, 2008., 108 lpp.
4. Uusitalo J. Introduction to forest operations and technology. Hameenlinna, 2010. 5. Davidāns M., Saveļjevs A., Strūbergs A., Traktortehnika meža darbos. Jelgava, 2019, Studentu biedrība Šalkone, 140 lpp.
Further reading
1. Saliņš Z. Mežs-Latvijas nacionālā bagātība. Jelgava, 2002. 248 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Meža avīze. ISSN 1407-6187.
2. Baltijas Koks. ISSN 1407-6667 3. International Forest Industries. ISSN 1392-1355
The study course is included in the compulsory part of full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Forest Engineer” of the Faculty of Forestry.