Course title Power Tools in Forestry
Course code MežZP013
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Independent study hours 81
Date of course confirmation 30/03/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Mg. silv., Jānis Liepa
Dr. sc. ing., asoc. prof. (Emeritus) Ziedonis Sarmulis

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Practical training working with chainsaw in clear-cutting and thinning operations, young forest stand tending using brush-saw.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Teaching practical skills in a different forest works, using the most appropriate power tools and techniques. Acquired knowledge and skills are appropriate to the requirements laid down in the forest work workman's qualifications and work using motor saw and brush saw.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Work safety regulations.
2.Working with a chainsaw in clear-cutting areas.
3.Working with a brushcutter - care for young plants.
4. Working with a brushcutter - care for young plants. 5.Working with a chainsaw in felling areas.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Complete acquisition of the internship program in the forest. Successful practical skills test. Test.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Independent preparation for knowledge control by studying special literature and using the study resources available in the e-learning environment within the study course.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Complete acquisition of the internship program in the forest. Successful practical skills test. Test.
Compulsory reading
1. Motorzāģis - lietošana un apkope. Zviedrijas nacionālā mežsaimniecības pārvalde, [1997?]. 65 lpp.
2. Līpiņš L. Stumbru racionāla sagarumošana. Rīga: LLU Meža izmantošanas kat., Zvaigzne, 1999. 75 lpp . 3. Saliņš Z. Mežizstrādes tehnoloģija. Jelgava : LLU Meža ekspluatācijas kat., 1997. 80 lpp.
Further reading
1. Benzīna motorinstrumentu lietošanas instrukcijas. 2. Benzīna motorzāģus un motorinstrumentu ražojošo (tirgojošo) firmu prospekti.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Baltijas Koks, ISSN 1407-6667 2. International Forest Industries, ISSN 978-989-643-016-00
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the professional higher education bachelor study program "Forest Engineer" of the Faculty of Forestry and in the optional part of the academic education bachelor study program "Forest Science" in full-time studies.