Course title Risk Control in Young Growth Management
Course code MežZ6014
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Number of hours for laboratory classes 16
Independent study hours 72
Date of course confirmation 16/03/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. silv., prof. Olga Miezīte

Prior knowledge
MežZ5035, Forest Geography
MežZ5036, Forest Ecology
Course abstract
Master students study concepts related to forest management risk management as well as classification of juvenile management risk factors (abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic); methodologies for assessing the health status of juveniles and the management of various risk factors for management.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Familiar with various risk factors at the age of forest young stand management and capable of describing and classifying their damage (lectures 1-6, 8 h pr. jobs and 10 h laboratory. w.).
Written test 1. Types of risk factors of forest young stand, their recognition and their impact on further forest management (described 5 types of damage by describing and classifying) 1. Cont.
Master students are able to identify and evaluate the presence of management risk factors in young stands by applying the methodology for assessing the health condition of stands. Capable of being the competent in decision-making for limiting or eliminating the risk factor (lectures 8-15 h, 8 h pr. w. and 6 h lab. w.). Written test 2. Mathematical assessment of the health condition of forest young stands and decision-making in further management of risk factors (2 variants, for each one plot with dendrometric measurements and risk factor damage assessment in points) (1 h).
Course Content(Calendar)
Lectures (16 h)
1. Impact of global climate change on forest stand productivity (1 h).
2. Risk - losses, aspects, management. Risk classification of forest management (2 h).
3. Identification of risk factors of forest young stand management (1 h).
4. Abiotic risk factors, their characterization, influence on of forest young stand management (2 h).
5. Biotic risk factors, their characterization, influence on of forest young stand management (4 h).
6. Anthropogenic risk factors, their characterization, influence on of forest young stand management (1 h).
7. Types of Risk Factors in of forest young stand, Their Recognition and Impact on the Management of forest young stand, Cont. (1h).
8. Evaluation of abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors. Evaluation criteria for tree crown damage (1 h).
9. Risk assessment of forest young stand and evaluation of lesions (1 h).
10. Characteristic risk factors for of forest young stand management (1 h).
11. Mathematical Evaluation and Risk Factor Management of forest young stand, Cont. (1h).

Practical workshops and seminars (16 h)
Practical work should be done in groups (3-4). Each working group prepares a report on risk factors and presents the dendrometric measurements and risk factors of 4 forest areas, their management and evaluation of the occurrence and intensity of damage in scores (15 min. and discussion 3-5 min.) (8 h).

Study trip to the Scientifics sample plots of in Jelgava Forest District. Inspection, scoring and assessment of health status using assessment criteria, decision-making on health status of forest young growth and follow-up on ecosystem management (8h), grade.

Laboratory works (16 h)
(work in groups)
1. Entomological lesions of different tree species (samples of seeds, needles, leaves, buds, shoots, twigs and trunks are given, they must be recognized and described according to methodological guidelines (available in e-studies), using books, pictures, presentations), grade - each group should recognize and name the types of damage to the risk factor and their impact on the ecosystems of tree species and various forest young stands (discussion in the audience ~ 20 min).
2. Phytopathological lesions of different tree species (samples of seeds, needles, leaves, buds, shoots, branches and trunks are given, they must be recognized and described according to methodological guidelines (available in e-studies), using books, pictures, presentations) (5 h), grade (markers discussion ~ 20 min.) - For each group, the types of damage and their impact on the ecosystems of the dominant tree species and various forest young stands should be recognized and named. 3. Possible damage of different abiotic and biotic factors in the stand of certain tree species (species), preventive measures for their reduction or elimination in forest species of different tree species (forest plan, inventory data (6 h), assessment with mark - each group introduces the audience to the decisions made depending on the risk factor (discussions in the audience ~ 20 min).
Requirements for awarding credit points
The number of missed classes may not exceed 10% of the total number of lessons. Two test papers must be successfully written: 1. - "Types of juvenile risk factors, their recognition and influence on forest young stand management" and 2. - "Mathematical evaluation of juvenile health status and risk factor management".
To participate in training seminars, each student prepares one presentation on the occurrence of specific risk factor (s) in Latvian youngsters and their management, presenting to the audience for 10-12 minutes, ~ 5 minutes. discussion.
Practical work should be done in groups (3-4). Each work group prepares dendrometric indices of the 4 surveyed forest young stand and scores for different risk factors. The task of the working group - assessment of the health status of adolescents and their influence on dendrometric parameters and presentation (15 min. And discussion 3-5 min.).
Students can choose to write both test papers or take part in the annual international conference "Students on their way to Science" at http://sws.llu.lv/ with an oral report (or at another conference).
The conference summary and report should correspond to the topic of tests 1, 2 (in English). The summary should be prepared according to the requirements of the conference and the oral presentation (in English). By presenting a summary publication and a certificate of attendance at the conference, the student obtains an excellent grade in the course without writing tests.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The master students to independently familiarize themselves with the latest developments available for young forest risk management.
Continuously supplementing the information obtained during lectures and practical work, using the basic literature, supplementary literature and scientific resources available on the Internet, indicated in the study program and presentations. Work independently to prepare 2 test papers and write a report for each team, prepare a presentation (~ 15 min, discussion ~ 5 min) on the health data provided by the 4 adolescents. Participate in seminars and prepare one presentation on each of the risk factors and their management (10-12 minutes, ~ 5 minutes discussion).
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Knowledge, skills and competence are assessed on a 10-point scale.
An oral and written answer is successful if at least 50% of the questions are answered correctly. The final grade consists of the average assessment of two test papers in the course or participation in an international conference with summary and oral report (in English), laboratory and practical work (reports and presentations), seminar presentation.
Compulsory reading
1.Riski lauksaimniecībā un privātajā mežsaimniecībā. Monogrāfija. LLU, RTU, DITF. Sast. K. Špoģis. Jelgava: LLU, 2005. 657 lpp.
2.Dreimanis A. Mežsaimniecības pamati. Mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem un nozares speciālistiem, A/S LVM, Jelgava: LLU Meža fakultāte, Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 2016. 219 lpp.
3.Miezīte O. Meža aizsardzība. 2. daļa Meža fitopatoloģija. Mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem un nozares speciālistiem, A/S LVM, Jelgava: LLU Meža fakultāte, Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 2017. 173 lpp.
4.Miezīte O. Meža aizsardzība un apsardzība. 1. daļa Meža entomoloģija. Mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem un nozares speciālistiem, A/S LVM, Jelgava: LLU Meža fakultāte, Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 2015. 163 lpp.
5.Jaunaudžu veselības stāvokļa analīze. ERAF projekta "Meža resursu ilgtspējīgas apsaimniekošanas plānošanas lēmumu pieņemšanas atbalsta sistēma" pārskats [tiešsaiste]. O.Miezīte, I.Šmits, A.Indriksons u.c. 2013. [Skatīts 21.10.2016.]. Pieejams: http://maplas.mf.llu.lv/programs/ERAF_Projekta_atskaite_1.3.pdf.
6.Mežsaimniecības risku vadības sistēmas programmas prototipa izstrāde. ERAF projekta "Meža resursu ilgtspējīgas apsaimniekošanas plānošanas lēmumu pieņemšanas atbalsta sistēma" pārskats [tiešsaiste]. I.Liepa, I.Straupe, O.Miezīte u.c. 2013. [Skatīts 21.10.2016.]. Pieejams: http://maplas.mf.llu.lv/programs.html.
7.Zālītis P. Mežkopības priekšnosacījumi. Rīga: LVMI "Silava", 2006. 218 lpp.
8. Ferrière R., Dieckmann U., Couvet D. Evolutionary Conservation Biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 415 s p. [skatīts 16.06.2021.] Pieejams:
https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=164257&site=ehost-live&scope=site eBook Collection (EBSCO)
9. Living With Storm Damage to Forests: What Science Can Tell Us 3. B. Gardiner, A. Schuck, M.-J. Schelhaas, C. Orazio, K. Blennow, B. Nicoll (Eds.) [tiešsaiste] European Forest Institute. [skatīts 16.06.2021.] Pieejams: https://efi.int/sites/default/files/files/publication-bank/2018/efi_wsctu3_2013.pdf
10. Seppälä R., Buck A., Katila P. Adaptation of Forests and People to Climate Change: A Global Assessment Report. [tiešsaiste] Tampere: Esa-Print Oy, 2009. 224 s. p. [skatīts 16.06.2021.] Pieejams: http://www.fao.org/forestry/17675-022721682d6ef9e51076d5dc46577a9c9.pdf
Further reading
1.Meža enciklopēdija. – Rīga: Zelta Grauds, 2003. – 367 lpp.
2.Liepa, I., Miezīte, O., Luguza, S., Šulcs, V., Straupe, I., Indriksons, A., Dreimanis, A., Saveļjevs, A., Drēska, A., Sarmulis, Z., Dubrovskis, D. (2014) Meža tipoloģija. A/S "Latvijas valsts meži", Studentu bierība "Šalkone". 118 lpp.
3.Zālītis, P., Jansons, J. (2013) Latvijas meža tipoloģija un tās sākotne. DU Akadēmiskais apgāds "Saule".167 lpp. 4. Koskela J., Buck A., Teissier E. Climate Change and Forest Genetic Diversity: Implications for Sustainable Forest Management in Europe. [tiešsaiste] Rome: Euforgen, 2007. 211s. [skatīts 16.06.2021.] Pieejams: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/bitstream/handle/10568/104923/Climate_change_and_forest_genetic_diversity_1216.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y
Periodicals and other sources
Mežzinātne ISSN 1407-270X.
Baltic Forestry ISSN 1392-1355 https://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/bf/ index.php? option=com_content&view= featured&Itemid=101
Compulsory study course of the academic study program "Forest science" in the 4th semester