Course title | Master Thesis II |
Course code | MežZ5055 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 12 |
Total Hours in Course | 324 |
Independent study hours | 324 |
Date of course confirmation | 18/01/2022 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Forest Management |
Course developers | |
Dr. silv., Olga Miezīte |
Prior knowledge | |
MežZ5051, Research Methodology I MežZ5054, Master Thesis I |
Course abstract | |
The aim of the master's thesis II is the sections of the master's thesis prepared within the study course and a presentation on the work done (review of previous research, work methodology in accordance with the final thesis design rules), as well as presenting the work at an extended meeting of the Department of Forestry. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
1. Knowledge - in-depth theoretical and practical information about the research carried out in the respective field of science, processing of research results and presentation possibilities.
2. Skills - to apply the acquired knowledge in the development of a master's thesis: in the description of previous research, in the evaluation and development of research methodology. Ability to present. 3. Competence - is able to independently conduct research on the chosen topic of the work. Is able to prepare the elaboration of a master's thesis (in the amount of 60%) and successfully presents the results of the research (1st pre-defense of the master's thesis). |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
1.Review of previous research on the chosen research direction.
2.Scientific, teaching, popular scientific literature, web resources. 3.Literature studies on the research object. 4.Literature studies on the scientific research methods used in the work, their analogues. 5.Collection of research data acquisition to the individual work plan. |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
To be developed and submitted to the supervisor. 1. Review of previous research 2. Characteristics of the research object 2. Data collection methodology 3. Data processing methodology 1st pre-defense of a successful master's thesis (~ 5 min., Thesis developed in the amount of 60%) in an extended meeting of the Department of Forestry. The supervisor (s) evaluates the work with a test "Master's Thesis II". | |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
Studies of scientific literature. Collection of research data. Preparation of master's thesis sections in the amount of 60% and preparation of a presentation on what has been done. | |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
Review of previous research not less than 30 literature sources, of which at least about 50% are foreign literature (pp. 12-15) and submission of work methodology in e-studies in the respective course. Preparation of the presentation (topicality of the topic, research goal, research tasks, hypothesis, research methodology) and presentation at the open meeting of the Department of Silviculture. Digitized empirical data available. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1. Studiju noslēguma darbu struktūra un noformēšana: metodiskie norādījumi [tiešsaiste]. Sast. L.Sisenis, A. Ābele. Jelgava: LLU, 2015. 18 lpp [Skatīts 20.01.2021.]. Pieejams: 2. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ekonomikā un biznesā. Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2006. 362 lpp. 3. Paura L., Arhipova I. Statistiskās neparametriskās metodes. SPSS datorprogramma: mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLKC, 2002. 148 lpp. 4. Kumar R. Research Methodology: a Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners.: 3rd edition. SAGE Publications Ltd., 2011. 440 p. 5. Frye C. Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step. Microsoft Press, 2015. 544 p. |
Further reading | |
1. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ar Microsoft Excel ikvienam: mācību līdzeklis. 1.daļa., Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 1999. 168 lpp. 2. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ar Microsoft Excel ikvienam: mācību līdzeklis. 2.daļa,, Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 2000. 136 lpp. | |
Periodicals and other sources | |
Baltic Forestry. ISSN 1392-1355. | |
Notes | |
Master's Thesis II is included in the compulsory part of the Master's study program. The study course is planned for the 1st semester of the 2nd year of the academic master's study program "Forest Science". |