Statuss(Aktīvs) | Izdruka | Arhīvs(0) | Studiju plāns Vecais plāns | Kursu katalogs | Vēsture |
Course title | Forest Ecoonomy and Policy II |
Course code | MežZ5046 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 7.5 |
Total Hours in Course | 202.5 |
Number of hours for lectures | 40 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 40 |
Independent study hours | 120 |
Date of course confirmation | 30/03/2021 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Forest Management |
Course developers | |
Dr. silv., doc. Lelde Vilkriste |
Prior knowledge | |
MežZ5045, Forest Ecoonomy and Policy I |
Course abstract | |
Students get acquainted with the basic principles of forest economics and economic and political aspects of forest resource management planning, international market and economic sector development trends, including circular economics and biocoenomics. The course focuses on the role of the state and the support system in achieving the goals of forest policy, as well as the tendencies and directions of forest policy and economic development in Latvia, Europe and the world. Within the framework of practical work, the basic principles of forest resource management planning and the market, the ability to analyze various types of information and evaluate the experience of other countries and its adaptation possibilities in Latvia are mastered. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
• Knowledge - master students acquire and consolidate knowledge of the scientific research phases, from the choice of subject and ending with the presentation and defence.
• Develops skills to seek and process information, plan and carry out experiments interpret results, make recommendations for their use. • As a result master student acquires the competence to formulate independently and critically analyze complex scientific and professional problems. |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
Public administration and administration - impact on forest political process and economic development (lect. - 1h).
The role of the state in providing information on forest resources and their management (lect. -2 h; pr.d. - 1 h). Forms of forest ownership and their role in the implementation of state policy (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 2h). Evaluation of the state support system in achieving the goals of forest policy (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 3h). Interests and conflicts in the forest sector. The role of forest policy in their regulation (lect. - 3h; pr.d. - 4h). Introduction to forest resources economics (lect. - 2h). Efficiency, market constraints and shortcomings (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 1h). Wood supply, demand and price formation (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 1h). Land use and wood and non-wood resource extraction planning (lect. - 3h; pr.d. - 2h). Forest land and property market, investments and time factor in the forest sector (lect. - 2h). IT in forest management planning and branch digitization (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 2h). Wood and wood products market, international trade of forest products (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 2h). Circular economy and sustainable use of forest resources (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 1h). Forest sector and bioeconomics (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 3h). Climate policy and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme - impact on forest economy and policy solutions (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 2h). European green course (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 1h). Forest economy development trends - international projects, research, current events (lect. - 3h; pr.d. - 2h). Evaluation of forest policy and related programs and documents (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 4h). European and world forest policy - analysis and evaluation of adaptation possibilities (lect. - 2h; pr.d. - 4h). Current problems of the forest sector in Latvia - economic and political solutions (lecture - 1h; pr.d. - 5h) |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
Requirements for obtaining credit points The exam consists of a written part and an oral part on theoretical issues and topics acquired in practical work. By the exam, all homework must have been completed and credited, all practical work done and credited, a report and a presentation on the given topic must be credited. | |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
The permanent works envisage elaborating / completing the started practical work in detail, preparing the assigned homework, additionally getting acquainted with a more detailed presentation of the issues covered in the lessons and preparing presentations or materials for discussions. Students write a report and prepare a presentation on the economic and political aspects of forest management problems and the possibilities of their solutions in Latvia. All works must be developed and submitted within the specified deadlines, in accordance with the instructions given in lectures and practical classes. | |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
The exam consists of a written and an oral part, auxiliary materials are allowed to be used only for practical tasks. Knowledge, skills and competence are assessed on a 10-point scale. A student can obtain a successful mark in an exam or test if at least 60% of the questions are answered correctly. Delayed and non-credited practical work must be developed in accordance with the procedures and at the time of admission specified by the lecturer not later than within two weeks after the delayed lesson | |
Compulsory reading | |
1.Amacher G.S., Ollikainen M., Koskela E. Economics of Forest Resources. MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, 2009. 397 p. 2.Pearse P.H. Introduction to Forestry Economics. UBC Press, 1990. 226 p. | |
Further reading | |
1.Digitalisation and circular economy: forestry and forestry based industry implications. Chobanova R.(Ed.). Sofia: USB & WoodEMA.2019. 350 p.,
2.Economics of Forestry. Roger A. Sedjo (Editor). Routledge, 2017. 498 p. 3.Klemperer W.D. Forest Resource Economics and Finance. New York etc.: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2003. 551 p. 4.Zhang D., Pearse P.H.. Forest Economics. UBC Press, 2012. 412 p. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1. LLU raksti (Proceedings of LAU,; ISSN 1407-4427 Rural Sustainability Research. Former: Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Berlin: De Gruyter Open. ISSN: 2256-0939.
2. Straptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry" ISSN 1392-1355 3. Forest Policy and Economics ISSN 1389-9341 |
Notes | |
Study course for students of the specialization direction "Forest Economics and Politics" of the master's study program "Forest Science" of the Faculty of Forestry. |