Course title Master Thesis I
Course code MežZ5029
Credit points (ECTS) 7.5
Total Hours in Course 202.5
Independent study hours 200
Date of course confirmation 23/03/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. silv., prof. Olga Miezīte

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Choice of theme of the master thesis depends on speciality of study program. Working out of individual study plan, defining of the hypothesis, the aim and tasks of the master theses. Topicality of research theme of master theses. Description of study object. Literature studies for formulation of methodology of research and /or planning of experiments.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Students obtain knowledge in the topicality of master theses theme in chosen study sub-sector and actual tasks to solve. Students obtain deepen skills in working with scientific literature. Students can analyse and summarise information collected in scientific literature and are critical in evaluation of it and are good in ability to choose methods of research. / Basic information preparation and presentation (up to 5 min).
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Choice of master's thesis topic.
2. Development of the aim, tasks, hypothesis of the master's thesis.
3. Justification of the topicality of the master's thesis topic. Object of research. 4. Identification of previous scientific research and literature for preparation of research methodology.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Basic information (title of the work, aim, research tasks, hypothesis, research object, methodology) must be submitted to the Department of Forestry for review and approval. Confirmation of basic information - test "Master's Thesis I".
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Under the supervision of the supervisor (s), the Master's student independently prepares the basic information of the Master's thesis.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The director of the study program must submit the basic information of the developed master's thesis approved by the supervisor (title of the thesis, aim, research tasks, hypothesis, research object, fieldwork methodology). Basic information is reviewed and approved at the open meeting of the Department of Silviculture.
Compulsory reading
1. Studiju noslēguma darbu struktūra un noformēšana: metodiskie norādījumi [tiešsaiste]. Sast. L.Sisenis, A. Ābele. Jelgava: LLU, 2015. 18 lpp [Skatīts 20.01.2021.]. Pieejams: http://www.mf.llu.lv/getfile.php?id=1383 2. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ekonomikā un biznesā. Rīga: Datorzinību centrs, 2006. 362 lpp.
Further reading
1. Arhipova I., Bāliņa S. Statistika ar Microsoft Excel ikvienam: mācību līdzeklis 1.daļa, Rīga: Datorzinību Centrs, 1999. 168 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. LLU raksti (Proceedings of LAU, www.llu.lv); ISSN 1407-4427
2. Starptautiskais zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry";http://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/ ; ISSN 1392-1355 3. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne". [ tiešsaiste]. Salaspils: Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava". ISSN 1407-270X. Pieejams: http://www.silava.lv/Mezzinatne/lejupieladei.aspx
The master's thesis is included in the compulsory part of the master's study program.