Course title Entrepreneurship in Forest Management
Course code MežZ4088
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Independent study hours 81
Date of course confirmation 02/02/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Mg. oec., lekt. Lita Vanaga

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Course project proves student’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. After the study of the above subject the students become aware of the essence and subject about the planning of the activities of forest management, the functions and structure of the business plan.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After the course, the student will have:
• knowledge of the structure of the business plan, development technology, tax calculation, use of methods. (course project) • skills – workforce and material resources, marketing and financial perspective. (course project) • Competencies – can find the most beneficial and appropriate compromise between the company's expectations and practical capabilities in preparing a business plan. (course project)
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Development of a business plan in an existing/new forest management Company.
2. Description of the Business idea and strategic goals.
3. Management team and organization
4. Products and services
5. Description of required resources
6. Company management and staff
7. Market Analysis. Strategy and Implementation. SWOT Analysis
8. Marketing Strategy, Marketing plan. Target Market Segment Strategy
9. Analysis of competitors. Competitive Edge
10. Assortment diversification options, additional services.
11. Sales Strategy
12. Pricing Strategy
13. Financial Plan
14. Sensitivity and risk analysis
15. Planning the financial strategy 16. Presentation of business plan .
Requirements for awarding credit points
A course project must be designed and defended.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The student shall independently develop a draft course in accordance with the requirements.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Subject spotlight; assessment of achievement of purpose and tasks; implementation of the methods applied; structure and presentation of work; literature used and sources of information; presentation skills. In defending work, the student answers questions about the developed course project and the subject studied. As a result, the course project supervisor shall evaluate the developed and defended course project
Compulsory reading
1. Sarmulis Z., Saveļjevs A. Meža darbi un tehnoloģijas. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava, 2015. 146 lpp.
2. Purvgalis A. Darba laika izlietojuma izpēte. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 49 lpp. 3. Pettere G., Voronova I. Riski uzņēmējdarbībā un to vadība. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: Banku augstskola, 2004. 176 lpp. 4. Živitere M. Komercdarbības (biznesa) plāns. Rīga: KIF "Biznesa komplekss", 2000. 100 lpp.
Further reading
1. Buongiorno J., Gilles J. Forest management and economics. New York. Macmillan publishing company, 2001. 285 p.
2. Barovs P. Biznesa plāni: kā tos uzrakstīt un īstenot. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008. 213 lpp. 3. Handbook of forest resource economics / edited by Shashi Kant and Janaki R.R. Alavalapati. 2014. p.559.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Baltijas Koks : starptautisks žurnāls uzņēmīgiem cilvēkiem. Rīga: Meža Mediju centrs. ISSN 1407-6667
2. Kapitāls: žurnāls lietišķiem cilvēkiem: krāsains biznesa un ekonomikas žurnāls. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 1998-. ISSN 1407-2505 3. Meža Avīze. Nr. 1 (decembris, 1998)- Rīga : Zaļais Sīriuss, 1998- nr. ISSN 1407-6187
The study course is included in the compulsory part of full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Forest Engineer” of the Faculty of Forestry.