Course title Forest Regulation
Course code MežZ4049
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Independent study hours 81
Date of course confirmation 30/03/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. silv., vad.pētn. Dagnis Dubrovskis
Dr. silv., Gints Priedītis

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The development of the course project provides knowledge of the planning of forest management at the time, space, financial flow. Information on the ecological, economic and social functions of forests is provided. Forest evaluation and multi-functional forest management planning models, optimisation of forest management planning, SWOT analysis.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
The student understands the ecological, economic and social functions of forests and the fundamental principles of sustainable forestry, can include them in the formulation of the objective of forest management and its objectives. Understands the need for planning economic activities and the planning process. The student is able to use different planning methods for forest management, plan forest-related activities in time and space, plan the financial flows in forest management, calculate the value of the forest. The student has acquired data processing programs, data mining methods, sources and other forest management planning decision support tools.
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Designation of the site of the site and the growth conditions of the forest, 2 h
2.tables describing forest and forest land .2 h
3 basic rules for forestry organisations and forest management. 2 h
1. Designation of the site of the site and the growth conditions of the forest, 2 h
2.Tables describing forest and forest land .2 h
3 Basic rules for forestry organisations and forest management. 2 h
4 Specification of the purpose of forestry equipment 2h
5 Optimisation task, calculation of a sustainable net income profile and estimates of the use of wood resources2h
6 Financial flows in forestry, economic indicators for forestry. 2 h
7 Main felling design 2 h
8 Forest recovery design 2 h
9 Cross-felling design 2 h
10 Cartographic Material Preparation, Deployment of fellings on Map 2 h
11. Drawing up tables describing 11 forestry projects at 2 h
12 Analysis of the financial flows and annual felling volumes planned in the forestry project 2 h
13 Choice of optimal planning option, justification 2 h
14 SVID analysis 2 h
15 Economic analysis of the forestry project 2 h
16 Expected effect 2 h
14 SVID analysis 2 h
15 Economic analysis of the forestry project 2 h 16 Expected effect 2 h
Requirements for awarding credit points
The course project must be submitted and defended
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The student shall continuously perform a data analysis and shall prepare a description of the study project departments. Design forestry measures, prepare cartographic materials
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Assessing the quality of the course project by verifying its content and the student's answers to the questions asked about the course project.
Compulsory reading
1. Dubrovskis D. Mežierīcība: metodiskie norādījumi kursa projekta izstrādāšanai. Jelgava: LLU, 2020. 23 lpp.
Further reading
1. Maltamo M. Forest inventory: methodology and applications. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. 362 p.
2. Klemperer D.W. Forest Resource Economics and Finance. New York: McGraw–Hill, 1996. 551 p. 3. Kellomaki S. Forest Resources and Sustainable Managment. Finland: Fape Oy, 2002. 420 p.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Baltijas Koks. ISSN 1407-6667
2. Meža Avīze. ISSN 1047-6187 3. Baltic Forestry. ISSN 1392-1355
The study course is included in the MF academic education bachelor's study program "Forest Science" and the professional education study program "Forest Engineer" in full-time and part-time studies.