Course title Forest Regeneration
Course code MežZ4005
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 8
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 08/11/2011
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. silv., prof. Āris Jansons

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Course provides overview of ways of forest regeneration, there application and influence on stand characteristics for different tree species. Techniques and technologies of area and soil preparation are covered in context with the aim of forest regeneration. Influence of tree species mixture, initial spacing and genetic and physiological quality of plant material on growth of the stand is assessed. Most important methods of protection and thinning of young stands and options to intensify carbon sequestration and stimulate adaptation capacity during the forest regeneration phase are covered.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Wide knowledge of economic and ecological aspects as well as techniques and technologies of forest regeneration is provided in the course. After the course students are skilled to choose the most appropriated regeneration method, species composition, initial spacing and thinning regime in the practical situation. They are skilled to evaluate quality of stand protection and plant material. Students are competent in most important aspects of afforestation and can recommend the optimal soil preparation method, plant material and cleaning regime based on site description. Students are competent in connection between forest regeneration and carbon sequestration in ecosystem and adaptation capacity of stand
Compulsory reading
1. Mangalis I. Meža kultūras. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1989. 347 lpp.
2. Zālītis P. Mežkopības priekšnosacījumi. Rīga: LVMI "Silava": Et cetera, 2006. 220 lpp.
3. Zālītis P., Jansons J. Mērķtiecīgi izveidoto kokaudžu struktūra. Salaspils : Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava", 2009. 80 lpp. 4. Ošlejs J. Ceļvedis Latvijas privāto mežu īpašniekiem. Rīga: Et cetera, 2005. 213 lpp.
Further reading
1. Bušs K. Praktiskā meža tipoloģija. Rīga: LatZTIZPI, 1981. 45 lpp.
2. A/S LVM pasūtīto zinātnisko pētījumu atskaites (no 2004. gada), Lejuplādējamas: http://www.lvm.lv/lat/lvm/zinatniskie_petijumi/ 3. LR Zemkopības ministrijas pasūtīto zinātnisko pētījumu atskaites (no 2004. gada), Lejuplādējamas: http://www.zm.gov.lv/?sadala=252
Periodicals and other sources
1. Mežzinātne ISSN 1407-270X
2. Baltic Forestry ISSN 1392-1355 3. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ISSN 0282-7581