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Statuss(Neaktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Forest Operations and Technology I
Course code MežZ3043
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for laboratory classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 08/11/2011
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Mg. silv., Jānis Liepa
Dr. sc. ing., asoc. prof. (Emeritus) Ziedonis Sarmulis

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The practice orented subject provides knowledge required to operate power tools in forest operations and to maintain them properly. The theoretical basis is formed for starting the practical training and to make sufficient decisions during the production process on tree felling sites and in young forest stands tending. The attention is mostly paid to operations technology.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Students got theoretical and practical knowledge of forest works motor tools to use the design, the performance and prevention of disorders. Obtained skills select the suitable motor tools different forest and logging jobs, using different performance technologies.
Compulsory reading
1. Motorzāģis - Lietošana un apkope. Zviedrijas nacionālā mežsaimniecības pārvalde, 1997. 65 lpp.
2. Līpiņš L. Stumbru racionāla sagarumošana. Rīga: LLU Meža izmantošanas kat., Zvaigzne, 1999. 75 lpp. 3. Saliņš Z. Mežizstrādes tehnoloģija. Jelgava : LLU Meža ekspluatācijas kat., 1997. 80 lpp.
Further reading
1. Benzīna motorinstrumentu lietošanas instrukcijas. 2. Benzīna motorzāģus un motorinstrumentu ražojošo (tirgojošo) firmu prospekti.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Baltijas Koks. ISSN 1407-6667 2. International Forest Industries. ISSN 978-989-643-016-00