Course title Floral Design
Course code MākZP047
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 24
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 12/10/2012
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
(līm.), Ieva Ģērmane
Mg. paed., pasn. Ligita Danenberga

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Floral design industry is closely related to landscape architecture. The acquainted course knowledge will help students to form realistic landscape items. The program provides a lot of practical work giving the best results from the acquisition of knowledge.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After completing the course student will have:
• knowledge - picture of the flora of design as a visual art sector, which gives the necessary theoretical basis for further studying the subject, an understanding of materal compatibility, form-building principles and the Environmental objects;
• skills – know how to integrate and use their knowledge of environmental facilities in building; • competence – the ability to manage Professional projects, which need to synthesize knowledge about the plants and the environment.
Compulsory reading
1. Vundermane I., Štobe-Rozenštoka F. Florists. Rīga: Lapa H. 2003. 272 lpp.
2. Danenberga L. Ziedi un svētki. Rīga: Lauku Avīze, 2009. 64 lpp.
3. Kundziņš M. Dabas formu estētika. Bionika un māksla. Rīga: Madris, 2004. 167 lpp. ISBN978-9984-31-756-4 4. A.Camping Color F. 1998. 78 p.
Further reading
1. Lersch G. Florales Handwerk. Techniken. Konstrukte. Inspirationen. Münster : FloralDesign Edition, 2010. 319 s. ISBN978-3938521-18-2
2. Hess P. Beetschen W. Floragraphie. Padova Italy 2003. ISBN 3-9522683-0-5 3. Blutenmenu, Flower menu 2007.,ISBN3-939868-80-9, ISBN 978-3-939868-89-4
Periodicals and other sources
1. FLORISTIKA. Indekss 2028 Floristika. Rīga : Nadīna L. ISSN 1407-3986.
2. Žurnāls FLEUR CREATIF Belgium NH Brugge.www.fleurcreatif.com 3. Žurnāls ЦВЕТЫ www.floristic.ru/forum