Course title Animal Breeding and Breeding Plans
Course code LauZ4085
Credit points (ECTS) 7.5
Total Hours in Course 202.5
Number of hours for lectures 40
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 40
Date of course confirmation 28/10/2011
Responsible Unit
Course developers
Dr. agr., prof. Līga Paura
Dr. agr., prof. Daina Jonkus

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
The course will focus on understanding, analyzing and utilizing the knowledge about the domesticated animals economic and genetic quality estimation and method for its using. In that program students are acquainted with the process of domestication and onthogenesis of farm animals, use the principles of population and quantitative genetics in selection and mating, estimation and prediction of the genetic gain in animal populations.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After completing the course student will have:
• Knowledge: knowledge and understandings about the domesticated animals economic and genetic quality estimation and method for its using; knowledge about animal pure breed and hybridization breeding plans.
• Skills: essential communication skills in the principles of quantitative genetics in selection and mating, estimation and prediction of the genetic gain and breeding value estimations in animal populations, to use previous topics in breeding plans. • Competence: to realize project work; define and critically analyze the project results. The ability of consulting and cooperating with colleagues, biologically trained people and herd managers.
Compulsory reading
1. Grīslis Z.,Garkāvijs F., Sprūžs J. Lopkopība. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991. 356 lpp.
2. Falconer D.S. Mackay T.F.C. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. 4th Edition. Edinburgh: Longman Limited, 1996. 464 p.
3. Lynch M., Walsh B. Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer, 1998. 980p. 4. Gene 251/351. Lecture Schedule - metz.une.edu.au [tiešsaiste] Pieejams: http://www.google.lv/ www-personal.une.edu.au/.../351TOC... [skatīts 2011.gada dec.] Neveras
Further reading
1. Mrode, R.A. Linear models for the prediction of animal breeding value. Wallingford: CAB International, 1996. 187 p.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. Wiley. Online ISSN: 1439-0388. 2. Archiv fur Tierzucht-Archives of Animal Breeding. Herausgeber Forschungsinstitut fur die Biologie landwirtschaftliche Nuztiere (FBN), Dummerstorf. ISSN 0003-9438.