Course title Bachelor Thesis II
Course code LauZ3160
Credit points (ECTS) 1.5
Total Hours in Course 40.5
Independent study hours 40
Date of course confirmation 02/12/2019
Responsible Unit Institute of Soil and Plant Science
Course developers
Dr. agr., prof. Daina Kairiša
Dr. agr., prof. Daina Jonkus
Dr. agr., asoc. prof. (Emeritus) Dzidra Kreišmane

Prior knowledge
Biol1015, Biometry
LauZ4010, Agronomy Experiment Design
LauZ2109, Agronomy Experiment Design
Replaced course
LauZB008 [GLAUB008] Bachelor Thesis II
Course abstract
Students obtain the skills of selecting literature sources relevant to the subject of Bachelor's Thesis, conducting targeted literature studies, using acquired skills in the development of study methodologies and research placements. Students develop a Bachelor's Thesis methodology.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge of the methods for field farming, horticulture or animal husbandry and relevant research methods, methods for collecting and analysing data and methods of economic calculation, if this is necessary to achieve the objective pursued in the Bachelor's Thesis.
The skills to select the appropriate methods for the purpose of the study and to describe how they are performed.
The student is competent to assess the appropriateness of the study methodology for achieving the purpose of the study.
Assessment: presentation of the Bachelor's Thesis performance methodology to the head of work.
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Choosing a Bachelor's Thesis development site. 2 h
2. Finding out the feasibility of a study/trial at the site of the study. 4 h
3. Discussion of the conditions for the development of the Bachelor's Thesis with the head of work. 2 h
4. Developing a study methodology in line with the work objectives pursued. 4 h
5. Submission and co-ordination of the Bachelor's Thesis methodology with the head of work. 2 h
6. Discussion and approval of the Bachelor's Thesis methodology in the study direction scientists' meeting. 2 h
Requirements for awarding credit points
Presentation of the Bachelor's Thesis performance methodology and conditions to the head of work. Unmarked test.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Studies of Internet resources and other sources of information, independent work for formulating the appropriate choice of the methodology, design and presentation of the work.
Design and presentation of work results to the head of Bachelor's Thesis.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Own-initiative work has been drawn up and presented in accordance with the conditions for drawing up study programmes and study works.
Compulsory reading
1.Zinātniskie raksti un publikācijas par izvēlēto bakalaura darba tēmu.
2.Kārkliņš A., Kreišmane Dz. Studiju darba izpilde un noformējums: metodiskie norādījumi Lauksaimniecības fakultātes studentiem. 5. papild. un pārstr. izdevums. Jelgava: LLU, 2016. 73 lpp.
Further reading
Zinātnisko rakstu krājumi augkopībā un lopkopībā.
Periodicals and other sources
Nozares zinātniskie žurnāli un interneta resursi.
Compulsory study course for full-time students of the professional bachelor's degree programme “Agriculture” in the 6th semester and part-time students in the 8th semester.