Statuss(Aktīvs) | Izdruka | Arhīvs(0) | Studiju plāns Vecais plāns | Kursu katalogs | Vēsture |
Course title | Chemical Substances and Products |
Course code | Ķīmi3014 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 3 |
Total Hours in Course | 81 |
Number of hours for lectures | 24 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 8 |
Independent study hours | 49 |
Date of course confirmation | 30/03/2021 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Forest Management |
Course developers | |
Dr. paed., asoc. prof. Dace Brizga Dr. biol., Baiba Ozola |
There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course | |
Course abstract | |
The study course „Chemical substances and products” introduces students to chemical substances and products, its classification and labelling. This course gives the possibility to acquaint foundations of toxicology and to determine the dangerousness and riskiness of such substances. Students obtain knowledge about control possibilities of chemical pollutions and corresponding normative documents. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
After completing the course student will have: knowledge - students are able to show knowledge of chemical substances, classify and determine the riskiness of such substances (test); skills - students are able to work out the necessary safety activities for the work with chemicals and to use corresponding normative documents in their own enterprises (test); competences - knowledge obtained in the study course allows students to organize the job in their workplace decreasing the influence of chemicals on the health of employees and environment (test). | |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
1. Guidelines on chemicals and products.
2. Reduction and assessment of chemical risks. 3. Reduction and assessment of chemical risks. 4. Hazards of chemicals. 5. Human exposure to chemicals. 6. Handling chemicals. 7. Control of the functioning of chemical pollutants. 8. Shipments of chemical goods. 9. Training of employees. 10. Training of employees. 11. Data sheets for chemicals and products. 12. Assessment of chemical risks in the working environment. |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
The instructor may raise the note regarding the individual work on his or her own, according to the rating scale. The accumulating assessment shall be received by students who have successfully passed a test for the substance of independently learned and lecture material with a score of not less than 5.0 balls. Final score — arithmetic mean of two controls. | |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
Own-initiative work: 1. Analysis of data sheets for chemicals and products, to be submitted electronically to 3 pages. 2. Assessment of chemical risks in the working environment, to be submitted electronically to 3 pages. | |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
Arithmetic mean all controls and own-initiative work credited. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1. Kalķis V., Roja Ž., Kaļķis H. Darba vides riski: Rīga, Latvijas Universitāte, 2007. 64 lpp. 2. Ar ķīmisko vielu iedarbību saistīto darba vides risku novērtēšanas un novēršanas vadlīnijas. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija, 2003. 60 lpp. Pieejams: 3. Eglīte M. Vides veselība. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. 696 lpp. 4. Kaļķis V., Roja Ž. Darba vides riski: raksturlielumi, iedarbība uz organismu: rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2003. 499 lpp. 4.Kaļķis, V., Roja, Ž., & Kaļķis, H. (2015). Arodveselība un riski darbā. Rīga:SIA Medicīnas apgāds, 434-457.lpp | |
Further reading | |
1. Darba higiēna. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija, 2003. 158 lpp. 2. Darba drošība. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija, 2010. 190 lpp. 3. B.Ozola. Pārtikas toksikoloģija. Mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava, 2007. 78 lpp. 4.Sisenis L., Brizga D., Pilvere I., Gailis J., Senhofa S. Safety in the handling of plant protection products on farms in the central part of Latvia. 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 December 2018 / International Scientific Committee. Vienna, 2018. Vol. 18 : Energy and clean Technologies, Issue 4.3 : Nuclear technilogies. Recycling. Air pollution and climate change. Modern energy and power sources, p. 375-382. ISBN 9786197408706. ISSN 1314-2704. | |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1. Latvijas Vēstnesis: Latvijas Republikas oficiāls laikraksts.Rīga:Valsts uzņēmums "Latvijas Vēstnesis". ISSN 1407-0391.
2. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts.Latvijas biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri , 2005-.ISSN 1407-2041. 3. Darba aizsardzības ziņas: Valsts Darba inspekcijas izdevums.Latvijas nacionālais kontaktpunkts. Eiropas Darba Drošības un Veselības Aizsardzības aģentūra. ISSN 1407-2044. |