Course title Home Maintenance
Course code Ķīmi3012
Credit points (ECTS) 2.25
Total Hours in Course 60.75
Number of hours for lectures 8
Number of hours for laboratory classes 16
Date of course confirmation 21/05/2013
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Dr. paed., doc. Iveta Līce-Zikmane

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Home as reflection of socio-cultural and intellectual level. Home maintenance includes washing, cleaning and care, preservation. Positive result of these jobs depends mainly on the proper use and mutual suitability of detergent, tool and material. It is possible to reach the desirable result only considering ecologic, economic and efficient work organisation. Home environment is emphasized in the renovation of people resource and the use the experience in everyday live and career. Introduces with methodical aspects of the subject at school.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
• Knowledge and understanding about necessity of home maintenance and it possibilities. Their efficient and economic cleaning and preservation.
• Skills to choose more effective detergents, tools and work organisation of home maintenance. • Competence - able to care for well maintenance home, able to students interested in keeping clear and careful home, environment, able to choose cleaning detergents according situation, able to organize the themes of Home Maintenance according Standard of Home Economics and Standard of Household, able to develop teaching aids.
Compulsory reading
1. Brizga J. Zaļais ceļvedis: gudrai un videi draudzīgai izvēlei. Rīga: Zaļā brīvība, 2008. 256 lpp.
2. Casado M. Housekeeping management. New York etc.: Wiley, 2000. 290 p.
3. Kenta K. Modernās mājsaimniecības rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Jumava, 1996. 192 lpp. 4. Стёпин Б. Д. Домашняя химия: химия в быту и на каждый день. Москва: Русское энциклопедическое товарищество, 2001. 287 с.
Further reading
1. Aulanko M. Cleaning field from the view point of professionals – tips to the future education // Rural Environment Education Personality: International Scientific Conference: Proceedings: Jelgava: LUA, 2003. 83-85 p .
2. Ozola V. Dabiskie līdzekļi mājas uzkopšanā // Mājas Konsultants Nr.6, 2006, jūn., 26 lpp. 3. Cielava Š. Ģenerālā tīrīšana // Mūsmājas Nr.4, 2008, apr., 14.-15 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
. Materials & Design. Online ISSN: 0261-3069. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.06.2011.]. Pieejams: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/30454/description#description
2. Technology in Society. Online ISSN: 0160-791X. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.06.2011.]. Pieejams: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/384/description#description 3. International Journal of Home Economics. ISSN: 1999-561Xv [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 12.06.2011.]. Pieejams: http://www.ifhe.org/47.html.