Course title Land Management I
Course code JurZ2037
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Number of hours for lectures 32
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 72
Date of course confirmation 23/03/2020
Responsible Unit Institute of Land Management and Geodesy
Course developers
Dr. oec., prof. Vivita Puķīte

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Students acquire the modern land management and land policy system, its objectives and tasks, required by land surveyors. The program provides insight into land policy implementation activities and measures contributing to sustainable land use and protection. The program focuses on comprehensive sustainable land management, rational and efficient land monitoring, use and protection. Knowledge of land management is needed by land surveyors working at different levels.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
1.Is able to critically understand theory and practice of land management and land policy, its nature and content, use of basic information - Seminar 1, 2, 3 and 4
2.Ability to carry out land management and land policy activities independently at national and local government level - Seminar 5 and 6 3.Managing assessment and remedy of land management and land policy issues –Seminar 7 and 8
Course Content(Calendar)
Full-time studies:
1.Content of the study course “Land Management I”. Study process and requirements. Literature. Basic legislation (2h)
2.Concept of land management and land policy, their understanding, objectives (2 h)
Seminar 1 - Concept of land management and land policy, their understanding, objectives (2h)
3.Land management in an international context (2h)
4.Land as a Resource and Property in Land Management (2h)
5.Land management actors and their cooperation (2h)
Seminar 2 - Land management actors and their cooperation (2h)
6.Specialization in Land Management (2h)
Seminar 3 - Specializations in Land Management (2h)
7.Basic information on land management (2h)
Seminar 4 - Basic Information on Land Management (2h)
8.Sustainable land management. Rational use of land resources (2h)
Seminar 5 - Sustainable land management. Rational use of land resources (2h)
9.Main tasks of land monitoring (2h)
10.Competence of state institutions and local governments in land management (2h)
Seminar 6 - Competence of state institutions and local governments in land management (2h)
11.Land policy in the international context (2h)
12.Land policy - an instrument to provide a regulatory framework for land management (2h)
Seminar 7 - Land policy - an instrument to provide a regulatory framework for land management (2h)
13.Land policy framework (2h)
14.Basic Principles of Land Policy (2h)
15.Land policy performance indicators (2h)
16.Directions of Action for Achieving Land Policy Objectives and Results (2h)
Seminar 8 - Directions of Action for Achieving Land Policy Goals and Results (2h)

Part-time studies:
All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours
Requirements for awarding credit points
The exam consists of:
•oral examination on the theoretical part of the study course
•received evaluation of presentations at seminars •completed independent work
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Studying of the indicated scientific and educational literature (monographs, scientific articles and their collections, conference and seminar material specialized scientific periodicals, which are necessary for profiling study courses of professional, academic and scientific study programs).
Formulate and present the results of individual work before each seminar in Word or PowerPoint format, up to 5 pages or 10 slides, respectively.
Independent work topics (related to seminar topics):
1.The concept of land management and land policy, their understanding, objectives
2.Land management actors and their cooperation
3.Specializations in land management
4.Basic information on land management
5.Sustainable land management. Rational use of land resources
6.Competence of state institutions and local governments in land management
7.Land policy - an instrument for providing the regulatory framework for land management 8.Directions of action to achieve land policy objectives and results
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
1.An examination mark shall be obtained after the knowledge test at the end of the course in the form of an oral examination and summarizing the results of the work provided for in the course. 2.Following reports (presentations), seminars assess whether students demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the concepts and nature of land management and land policy, whether they have acquired the skills to perform land management and land policy activities at national and local government level, and carry out evaluation and rectification of land management and land policy issues.
Compulsory reading
1.Zemes pārvaldības likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.10.2014. Stājas spēkā 01.01.2015. Pieejams http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=270317
2.Williamson I., Enemark S., Wallace J., Rajabifard A. Land administration for sustainable development. California: ESRI Press, Redlands, 2010. 487 p.
3.Auziņš A. Zemes pārvaldības pamati: mācību grāmata. Rīga: RTU, 2008. 107 lpp.
4.Paršova V. Nekustamā īpašuma formēšana. Mācību grāmata. 2. papildinātais izdevums. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 359 lpp. 5.Kanaviņš H., Bērziņa M., Rausis A. Kadastrs – uzskaite un reģistrācija Latvijā. I daļa 1940-1990. Rīga: VZD, 2003. 87 lpp.
Further reading
1.European Parliament resolution of 8 July 2010 on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 17.03.2020.]. Pieejams: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P7-TA-2010-0286+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN 2.UN-ECE Land Administration Guidelines with Special Reference to Countries in Transition, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ECE/HBP/96. New York and Geneva, 1996. 112 p. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 17.03.2020.]. Pieejams: http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/Publications/land.administration.guidelines.e.pdf
Periodicals and other sources
1.Mans Īpašums ISSN 1407-4761
2.Praktiskais Latvietis ISSN 1407-3358 3.www.varam.gov.lv
In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies