Course title Computer Graphics
Course code InfT1037
Credit points (ECTS) 1.5
Total Hours in Course 40.5
Independent study hours 40
Date of course confirmation 17/11/2022
Responsible Unit Institute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Course developers
Mg. sc. ing., pasn. Inga Viļumsone

Prior knowledge
InfT3024, Computer Graphics
Replaced course
InfTK006 [GINTK006] Computer Graphics
Course abstract
The aim of the course work is to apply and strengthen the student's basic theoretical knowledge of the general principles of three-dimensional graphics and their use in the preparation of various types of spatial objects or interactive three-dimensional attachments. In the course work development process, students develop and improve practical skills in creating spatial objects, surfaces, modeling and creating animations.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
As a result of the coursework students are able to:
•demonstrate theoretical knowledge of three dimensional graphics capability and application areas (coursework);
•define the relevance, aim and tasks of the topic of the course work, select and apply the most appropriate methods in development of course work (description of the course work);
•have skills to use modeling tools, to develop three-dimentional models, images and animations (coursework);
•working in group or carrying out work independently, are able to develop information-visual material preparation and storage (coursework); •independently find a solution for a specific task, argue own point of view, and publicly defend the results of the work (presentation and defence of the course work).
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Selection of the topic of the course work and coordination with the supervisor - 1h.
2.Acquaintance with methodical instructions for developing and defending a course work - 1h.
3.Characteristics of selected topics and target audience. Research and analysis of similarly developed products - 1h.
4.Three-dimensional scene scenario creation and development methods - 2h.
5.Development of object and environment models – 3h.
6.Use of materials and textures - 3h.
7.Creating and editing animation. Camera and light settings. Rendering - 4h. 8.Defense of the course work - 1h.
Requirements for awarding credit points
Practically designed, described and defended animated three-dimensional model or scene.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
The student independently develops the course work according to the specified work topic from the course supervisor, consulting with the course supervisor, studying literature and Internet resource sites. The developed coursework must be submitted to e-studies by a certain deadline
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The work is evaluated in a 10-point system.
The supervisor of the course organizes a public defense.
The grade of the course work consists of:
•animated three-dimensional model development quality (60%);
•quality of course work description (30%); •presentation of coursework and answers to questions (10%).
Compulsory reading
•Blender.org - Blender trīsdimensiju programmas izstrādātāju vietne – manuālis, video pamācības, diskusijas [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.blender.org/support/
•The Blender Foundation organizācijas Bleder institūta korporācijas Youtube kanāls -[tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.youtube.com/c/BlenderFoundation/playlists
Further reading
•Chronister J. Blender Basics 5-rd edition. – Central Dauphin High School, 2011. – 178 lpp. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: http://www.cdschools.org/cms/lib04/PA09000075/Centricity/Domain/81/BlenderBasics_5thEdition2017.pdf)
Academic bachelor study program "Computer management and computer science".