Course title Large Databases I
Course code DatZ3003
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 06/09/2022
Responsible Unit Institute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Course developers
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Gatis Vītols

Prior knowledge
DatZ2004, Database Technologies I
DatZ2005, Database Technologies II
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is to aquire knowledge about tools and technologies that allow to manage large and specific data sets. Studies of various types of large databases, database memory and process architecture, management system basic functions are performed. Concepts of database logical and physical data models, database structure definition, various techniques for data retrieval and data loading are discussed and practically applied. Students gain practical knowledge about work with large database management system Oracle Database and individually develop semester assignment.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knows about large database architecture and application possibilities of Structured Query Language extensions (1. test, 3. test).
Have skills about the development of large databases, data storage and retrieval, evaluation of database architecture and application of Structured Query Language extensions for data retrieval are acquired (2. test).
Students develop competences of data analysis, choosing and participating in discussions about the technological solution for storage and retrieval of large amounts of data, working in groups or individually (3. test, homework). Learning outcomes are assessed with homework and three tests. Homework requirements include development of simple database using Oracle database management system.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Large databases and management systems. Database management system Oracle application for data management (2h lectures).
2.Large database logical and physical models management. Schemas, tablespaces, segments, extents, data blocks, system journals and control files (1h lectures).
3.Database management system architecture. Operating structures, server and background processes (1h lectures, 1h practicals).
4.User creation and administration. User roles and access management (1h lectures, 2h practicals).
5.Data structure definition in Oracle database. Oracle specifics, sequences. Transaction management and META data retrieval. Object synonyms. (2h lectures, 2h practicals).
6.Conditional functions in SQL. Condition function inclusion in Oracle SQL. Data management functions (1h lectures, 2h practicals).
7.Data retrieval from hierarchical tables. SQL extension for hierarchical queries (1h lectures, 2h practicals).
8.View management. Simple and complex view creation. DML application in views. Materialised views management (2h lectures, 2h practicals).
9.Basics of database reporting. Reporting application and creation with basic database management system tools. Script programming for reports (1h lectures, 2h practicals).
10.Data loading options import and export. External data importing with standard tools. Selected data export and import (2h lectures, 2h practicals).
11.Spatial data management concepts. Spatial data basics and SQL extensions for management of spatial data (1h lectures, 1h practicals). 12.Theoretical test about data base architecture, data storage solutions and retrieval of data (During 1h lecture time)
Requirements for awarding credit points
To acquire credit points, students need to successfully submit and receive positive mark in homework, as well as all semester test average mark must be positive (above 40%).
Tests topics:
1.META data management and basic functionality of Oracle database.
2.Writing complex queries. 3.Theory test main topics are Oracle database architecture and data storage and retrieval with Oracle SQL.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Students need to individually complete homework which includes development of a simple database in Oracle database management system, based on requirements defined in lecture. For development of homework 1 month is given since definition of the assignment.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Semester final test mark is calculated as an average mark based on student scores gathered from homework and semester tests. Practicals must be submitted and graded positive.
Compulsory reading
1. Hansen, K.B. Practical Oracle SQL: Mastering the Full Power of Oracle Database. APress, 2020. 460 p. ISBN-10: 1484256166 (pieejama Datoru sistēmu katedras bibliotēkā) (Available in the library of Department of Computer Systems)
2. Casteel J., Oracle 12c: SQL. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2016. 604 p.
3. Date C.J. Introduction to Database Systems. 8th Ed. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2004. 1024 p. 4. Niemiec R.J. Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Performance Tuning Tips and Techniques. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2017. 1085 p.
Further reading
1. Coronel C., Morris S. Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management. Australia: Cengage Learning, 2016. 791 p. 2.Kuhn D., Kyte T. Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed. 2nd Ed. Apress, 2021. 265 p. (pieejama Datoru sistēmu katedras bibliotēkā) (Available in the library of Department of Computer Systems)
Periodicals and other sources
1. Oracle Magazine. Oracle Press, Pieejams (Available): http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oramag/magazine/home/index.html
2. The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISSN: 1066-8888. Pieejams (Available): https://www.springer.com/journal/778 3. "Data Base Journal". QuinStreet. Pieejams (Available) http://www.databasejournal.com
Compulsory course in Computer Science and Computer Science and Information Technology for Sustainable Development.