Course title Dangerous Equipment
Course code CitiP030
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Independent study hours 120
Date of course confirmation 31/01/2017
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. paed., asoc. prof. Dace Brizga
Dr. agr., asoc. prof. Jānis Gailis

Prior knowledge
Citi5010, Dangerous Equipment
Replaced course
CitiR002 [GCITR002] Dangerous Equipment
Course abstract
During the professional practice, students acquaint themselves with dangerous equipment in their practice company. Students compare dangerous equipment usage and documents, workers training and other aspects with legal requirement. Students prepare proposals for safety improvement in work with dangerous equipment.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
After completing the practice, student will have:
• knowledge and critical understanding about dangerous equipment and its role in practice company (presentation);
• skills to create database of legislation and other information sources about dangerous equipment and its use in topical sectors of economy (report); • competence to carry out general assessment on safety of dangerous equipment usage, to prepare proposals for improvement of the dangerous equipment usage in company (report).
Course Content(Calendar)
1. Familiarity with the specifics of the practice company's production.
2. General assessment of the operation of dangerous equipment in a practice undertaking.
3. Overall assessment of the operation of dangerous equipment in a practice undertaking.
4. Establishing a list of the requirements of the regulatory enactments applicable to dangerous equipment operated in a practice undertaking.
5. Examining the requirements of the above-mentioned regulatory acts.
6. Exploration of the requirements of the above-mentioned regulatory acts.
7. Study on the fulfilment of the requirements of the abovementioned regulatory acts.
8. Familiarity with the training procedures for the servicing personnel of the dangerous equipment.
9. Familiarity with the supply of PPE to the servicing personnel of the dangerous equipment.
10. Documents for recording and removing dangerous equipment.
11. Familiarity with the documents available in the undertaking concerning the operation of dangerous equipment.
12. Identification of the missing documents mentioned above, drawing up the list.
13. Development of proposals to increase the safety level at work in hazardous installations.
14. Calculation of the financing of the above proposals.
Presenting .
15. practice results to the management of the company's practice business. Presentation and consultation . 16. Practice results with the LLU's responsible teacher.
Requirements for awarding credit points
The professional practice report shall be reviewed, evaluated and given the conclusion on its crediting by the head of the company's practice. The signature and signature of the report shall be certified with a stamp. The report must be submitted to the section on the date specified by the teacher responsible (no later than two weeks after the end of the practice), while the student should present the results of the practice (10 min. speech). Together with the practice report, an assignment must also be submitted with the characteristics given therein. The report shall be evaluated with a check mark in the 10-party system.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Assessment of the company's practice manager, presentation rating, and teacher rating on the report.
Compulsory reading
1. Darba drošība. Latvijas Brīvo arodbiedrību savienība, Labklājības ministrija. Rīga: Latvijas Brīvo arodbiedrību savienība, 2010. 191 lpp. 2. Kaļķis V. Darba vides risku novērtēšanas metodes. Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2008. 242 lpp.
Further reading
1. ES PHARE (LE/99/IB-CO-01) Labklājības ministrija. Darba drošība. Rīga 2004. 2. Jurševskis, J. Celtniecības, ceļu būves un ceļu uzturēšanas mašīnas. Smiltene: Smiltenes 29. arodvidusskola, 2006..256 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Latvijas Vēstnesis: Latvijas Republikas oficiāls laikraksts. Rīga: Valsts uzņēmums "Latvijas Vēstnesis". ISSN 1407-0391.