Course title | Labour Environment |
Course code | Citi5003 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 3 |
Total Hours in Course | 81 |
Number of hours for lectures | 16 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 16 |
Independent study hours | 49 |
Date of course confirmation | 08/11/2011 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Forest Management |
Course developers | |
Dr. paed., Imants Bērtaitis |
There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course | |
Course abstract | |
While acquiring the optional study course "Labour Environment", the students obtain knowledge which is required to be aware of the work environment risks, which can be encountered working with a computer and its impact on the employees' health as well as to evaluate the possible psychoemotional work environment risk factors in an enterprise. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
After completing the course student will have: knowledge and critical understanding of role and place of labour protection in work process of institutions and companies; skills define and identify risks of labour environment using a computer, to assess the psycho-emotional work environment risk factors for company or institution; competence on occupational health and safety measures need to decide the protection system development. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1. Kaļķis V., Roja Ž. Darba vides riski: raksturlielumi, iedarbība uz organismu: rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2004. 74 lpp.
2. Ergonomika darbā. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija. 2010. 191 lpp. 3. Roja Ž. Ergonomikas pamati. Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. 190 lpp 4. Darba attiecības [elektronisks resurss] ; Darba aizsardzība. Rīga: Beno Prese, 2008. CD-ROM. |
Further reading | |
1. Darba drošība. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija, 2010. 190 lpp.
2. Darba higiēna. Rīga: Labklājības ministrija, 2003. 158 lpp. 3. Eglīte M. Vides veselība. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. 696 lpp. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1. Latvijas Vēstnesis: Latvijas Republikas oficiāls laikraksts.Rīga:Valsts uzņēmums "Latvijas Vēstnesis". ISSN 1407-0391.
2. Dienas Bizness:nedēļas laikraksts.Latvijas biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri , 2005-.ISSN 1407-2041. 3. Darba aizsardzības ziņas: Valsts Darba inspekcijas izdevums.Latvijas nacionālais kontaktpunkts. Eiropas Darba Drošības un Veselības Aizsardzības aģentūra. ISSN 1407-2044. |