Course title | Geodesy II |
Course code | BūvZB010 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 8 |
Total Hours in Course | 216 |
Number of hours for lectures | 42 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 6 |
Number of hours for laboratory classes | 40 |
Independent study hours | 128 |
Date of course confirmation | 21/11/2023 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Land Management and Geodesy |
Course developers | |
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Armands Celms Dr. math., prof. Natālija Sergejeva Dr. math., asoc. prof. Svetlana Atslēga |
Prior knowledge | |
BūvZ3135, Geodesy I |
Replaced course | |
BūvZ3138 [GBUV3138] Geodesy II |
Course abstract | |
Geodetic networks
During the study course, students acquire knowledge about the history of the development of geodetic networks, the importance of reliable acquisition, storage, and analysis of geospatial data. Students learn the basic principles of geodetic network formation, their hierarchical structure in the territories. Acquires the theory of error correction of geodetic measurements, their practical application in the smoothing of geodetic networks. Gets acquainted with the cartographic projections of the Earth's ellipsoid surface on a plane, geodetic networks, and various methods of their formation. Learns to perform accurate geodetic measurements required for the installation of geodetic networks. Global positioning In the study course, students get acquainted with the composition of global positioning, the general structure of the system, and the principles of operation. Students learn to use GNSS tools in operation with various surveying methods. Acquires the mathematical processing of the performed GNSS measurement data, their practical application in the smoothing of the common geodetic system, and the evaluation of the obtained results. Get acquainted with various GNSS systems. Learn to apply various real-time positioning systems - in GIS, cartography, construction, and other sectors of the economy and evaluate the accuracy of the obtained measurements. Learns to evaluate the influence of ellipsoid and geoid parameters on GNSS measurements. Mathematical part of the study course deals to the elements of differential calculus of functions of two variables and their applications, matrices and systems of linear equations, method of least squares and its aplication in the case of linear regression. This part of the course provides the knowledge necessary for successful completion of other courses. |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
Geodetic networks
1. Knows the development of geodetic networks, their types and methods of formation depending on the task, accuracy, and terrain of the planned network; homework 2. Knows the interconnection of the Earth's ellipsoid and geoid parameters in the report; Test 1 3. Can independently perform mathematical processing of geodetic measurement results, evaluate their accuracy; laboratory works 4. Can independently perform accurate measurements of angles, distances, and elevations; laboratory works 5. Has the competence to rationally organize the creation of a geodetic network of the required accuracy, choosing the most appropriate methods and tools depending on the task of the network. Test 2 Global positioning 1. Knows the global navigation satellite systems in the world and their historical development chronology; laboratory works 2. Knows the basic principles of the structure and operation of the global positioning system. Knows transmitted carrier frequency signals and their visibility. Transmitted code signals; Test 1 3. Coordinate determination techniques in geodetic measurements using global positioning have been mastered. Has the skills to rationally plan global positioning measurements using available web sites; laboratory works 4. Knows the application of global positioning in the development and maintenance of geospatial reporting systems; homework 5. There is an understanding of the application of real-time correction systems in global positioning measurements. Test 2 6. There is an understanding of the application of global positioning in various sectors of the economy. homework Mathematics By the successful completion of this study course part, students will have 1. knowledge of the differentiation of functions of two variables and their applications, matrices and solving systems of linear equations, the least squares method and its application in the case of linear regression. Knowledge is assessed during the test. 2. skills to perform necessary calculations and operations, understanding of relevant concepts and regularities. Skills are assessed during tests, practical and laboratory works. 3. Competence to perform intermediate results of calculations and professional evaluation and interpretation of final results. Competences are assessed during tests and practical work |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
Full-time studies:
Geodetic networks 1. Content, course, requirements, literature, and normative base of the study course. Historical necessity and development of geospatial reference systems. (2h) 2. Representation and interrelations of ellipsoid and geoid surfaces. (2h) 3. Alignment of geodetic measurements. The principle of least squares in smoothing measurements. (4h) 4. Measurement errors and accuracy measures. (4h) 5. Equalization of direct measurements of equal and different accuracy. (4h) 6. Correlation of rule measurements by correlate method. (4h) 7. Leveling the leveling network. (4h) 8. Alignment of the tachometer stroke system. (3h) Test 1 Earth ellipsoid, geoid, leveling of geodetic observations. (2h) 9. Substantiation of the state geodetic network. (3h) 10. Geodetic network formation methods, division. (3h) 11. Geodetic network of national significance, connection with the geodetic network of local significance. (3h) 12. Geodetic networks of local significance. (3h) 13. Classification and reinforcement of geodetic signs. (3h) 14. Precise leveling. (4h) 15. Synergy of classical and latest technologies in the improvement of geodetic reference systems. (3h) 16. Integrated geodetic networks. (3h) Test 2 Principles and methods of geodetic network deployment. (2h) Global positioning 1. Study process and requirements. Literature. Chronology of global positioning development; (1h) 2. Basic principles of the structure and operation of the global positioning system. Global Positioning Systems in the world; (2h) 3. Satellite orbit, visibility, and signal and code parameters; (1h) 4. Satellite prototypes and their development history; (1h) 5. Factors influencing the accuracy of global positioning measurements; (2h) Test 1 (1h) 6. The range of instruments used in global positioning measurements, the purpose of their accuracy and application; (1h) 7. Surveying methods (coordinate determination technique) using global positioning tools; (1h) 8. Processing of measurement results, accuracy assessment, analysis of results; (2h) 9. Development of geodetic networks using Global Positioning Methods; (2h) 10. Use of global positioning using real-time correction systems; (1h) Test 2 (1h) Mathematics 1. Differentiation of Functions of Two Variables. - 2h 2. Applications of Derivative for Functions of Two Variables. - 3h 3. Matrices, operations with Matrices. - 2h 4. Solving Systems of Linear Equations. - 3h 5. The Method of Least Squares. - 1h 6. Linear Regression and Correlation. -4h Test - 1h Part-time studies: All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
Each part ended with a rating (mark), the result a weighted average
Geodetic networks Written type of examination ending with a mark. The test task consists of: - test on the theoretical subject acquired in the study course; - practical task on the topics acquired in the study course laboratory works and homework. All laboratory work, tests, homework must be included. Global positioning Written type of examination ending with a mark. The test task consists of: - test on the theoretical subject acquired in the study course; - practical task on the topics acquired in the study course laboratory works and homework. All laboratory work, tests, homework must be included. Mathematics Two independent works and a written test must be included. |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
Geodetic networks
1. homework. Research and description of the development of the type of geodetic network for a specific territorial unit (volume at least 15 pages, submitted electronically, presented); 2. homework. Geodetic network design for a specific territorial unit (developed graphic project, submitted electronically, presented). Global positioning 1. homework. Description and analysis of the application of global positioning for one of the economic sectors (volume at least 10 pages, submitted electronically, presented); 2. homework. Survey of geodetic network points, execution of global positioning control measurements, analysis of results using available Database information. Mathematics. The following independent works must be completed: Independent work 1: Differentiation of Functions of Two Variables. Independent work 2: Matrices. Systems of Linear Equations. Independent work 3: Linear Correlation and Regression. |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
Geodetic networks
The evaluation of the study course depends on the evaluation of the theoretical questions and the solution of the task, and the cumulative evaluation of the study course tests and homework. All planned laboratory work must be completed and credited. Attendance at lectures must be at least 75% of the total. A student can obtain a successful mark on a test or exam test if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly. Students who have at least 7 in this study course may not participate in the theoretical test and mark the arithmetic mean of the tests in the study course as the assessment of the theoretical test. The final grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the tasks of the final test and the average marks of the semester, which is calculated as the arithmetic means of the marks of the tests and homework taken in the study course. Global positioning The evaluation of the study course depends on the evaluation of the theoretical questions and the solution of the task, and the cumulative evaluation of the study course tests and homework. All planned laboratory work must be completed and credited. Attendance at lectures must be at least 75% of the total. A student can obtain a successful mark on a test or exam test if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly. Students who have at least 7 in this study course may not participate in the theoretical test and mark the arithmetic mean of the tests in the study course as the assessment of the theoretical test. The final grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the tasks of the final test and the average marks of the semester, which is calculated as the arithmetic means of the marks of the tests and homework taken in the study course. Mathematics All independent works must be passed (all tasks are completed correctly) and the final test score must be at least 4. |
Compulsory reading | |
Ģeodēziskie tīkli; Globālā pozicionēšana
1. Helfriča B., Bīmane I., Kronbergs M., Zuments U. Ģeodēzija. Rīga: LĢIA, 2007. 262 lpp. 2. Žagars J., Zvirgzds J., Kaminskis J. Globālās navigāciju satelītu sistēmas (GNSS). Ventspils: Ventspils Augstskola, 2014. 231 lpp. 3. Teunissen P. , Montenbruck O. (Editors). Handbook of Global Navigation Satellite Systems., Springer International Publishing AG, 2017., 1335 p. Matemātika Volodko I. Augstākā matemātika. I daļa. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. 294 lpp. |
Further reading | |
Ģeodēziskie tīkli; Globālā pozicionēšana
1 Strang G., Borre K. Linear algebra, geodesy and GPS. Wellesley, Cambridge Press, 1997. 2. Nivelēšanas I, II un III klases nivelēšanas instrukcija. Rīga, 2001. 96 lpp. . 3. Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, Edited by Urs Marti., Proceedings of the IAG Symposium GGHS2012, October 9-12, 2012, Venice, Italy., 348 p. Matemātika Uzdevumu krājums augstākajā matemātikā. Dz. Bože, L. Biezā, B. Siliņa, A. Strence. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 2001. 332 lpp. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
Ģeodēziskie tīkli; Globālā pozicionēšana |
Notes | |
In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies |