Statuss(Aktīvs) | Izdruka | Arhīvs(0) | Studiju plāns Vecais plāns | Kursu katalogs | Vēsture |
Course title | Application of Remote Sensing Technologies |
Course code | BūvZ3155 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 4.5 |
Total Hours in Course | 121.5 |
Number of hours for lectures | 24 |
Number of hours for laboratory classes | 24 |
Independent study hours | 72 |
Date of course confirmation | 19/01/2022 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Land Management and Geodesy |
Course developers | |
Dr. sc. ing., prof. Armands Celms |
There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course | |
Replaced course | |
BūvZB006 [GBUVB006] Application of Remote Sensing Technologies |
Course abstract | |
The aim of the study course is to provide a theoretical and practical insight into the application of remote sensing technologies in the national economy and the tasks it solves. Students are introduced to examples of the application of remote sensing technologies today and development perspectives in accordance with the development of economic sectors. In the work of the laboratory, the initial skills are acquired in the search, acquisition and conformity determination of remote sensing information of various performances, scales and purposes, as well as to perform simple-to-use operations. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
1. Knowledge of remote sensing technologies and theories and practices of their application in the national economy and public administration, especially in connection with the development of the use of geographic information systems in the world - tests
2. Is able to orientate in the range and specifics of remote sensing application technologies in accordance with the possibilities, needs and requirements of economic and public administration structures. Is able to choose the most optimal application of remote sensing technology according to the needs of specific task solutions - tests and laboratory works 3. Is able to rationally choose and substantiate the most suitable solution for the application of remote sensing technology to the solutions of specific economic and public administration tasks, envisaging the use of their results in geoinformatics digital data processing formats. Knows the products of remote sensing technologies and their basic characteristics - tests and laboratory works |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
Full-time studies:
1. Classification of remote sensing technologies, examples of the results of their application and their role in the performance of economic and public administration functions (overview) (1h) 2. Satellite technologies - their nature, classification, operating principles, scale and basic products (1h) 3. Experience of using satellite technologies in the national economy and public administration in the world and in Latvia (1h) 4. Development trends of satellite technologies in the world and development opportunities of their use in Latvia (1h) 5. Aerial photography and aerial laser scanning - their nature, classification, operating principles, scales and types of basic products (1h) 6. Principles of aerial photography and aerial laser scanning data acquisition, products, basic characteristics, experience of use in the world and in Latvia (1h) 7. Development trends of aerial photography and aerial laser scanning in the world and development opportunities of use in Latvia (1h) 8. Principles and classification of light photogrammetric drones (helicopters and wings), scales and types of products to be obtained (1h) 9. Information acquisition principles of photogrammetric drones, products and their quality characteristics, experience of use in the world and in Latvia (1h) 10. Development trends of photogrammetric drone use in the world, development opportunities in Latvia (1h) 11. Terrestrial photogrammetry, its essence, classification, principles of operation and scales, types of basic products (1h) 12. Principles of operation of terrestrial photogrammetry technologies, division, types and qualities of the obtained products, experience of use in the world and in Latvia (1h) 13. Development trends of the use of terrestrial photogrammetry technologies in the world and development opportunities in Latvia (1h) 1. Test (1h) 14. Remote sensing technologies and products, their place, significance and application in geoinformation systems (1h) 15. Application of remote sensing technologies in agriculture (1h) 16. Application of remote sensing technologies in forestry (1h) 17. Application of remote sensing technologies in land management (1h) 18. Application of remote sensing technologies in transport logistics (1h) 19. Application of remote sensing technologies in crisis management; (1h) 20. Use of remote sensing technologies as a potential to increase the competitiveness of the national economy (1h) 21. Efficiency of the digital public administration model and remote sensing technologies (1h) 22. Evaluation of the practice of application of remote sensing technologies - analysis and perspectives in Latvia (1h) 2. Test (1h) Laboratory works: 1. Students from each of the following topics choose a named sub-topic and within it agree with the teacher on an individual, specific development task. (14h) 1.1. Development of examples of geospatial solutions in agriculture: a. In agriculture; b. Horticulture; c. In animal husbandry; d. Industry management / supervision. 1.2. Development of examples of geospatial solutions in forestry: a. Forestry; b. Logging; e. Hunting and forest animals; f. Industry management / supervision. 1.3. Development of examples of geospatial solutions in land management: a. Cadastre; b. Land reclamation and water management; c. Surveying, topography; d. Spatial planning, construction and supervision 1.4. Development of examples of geospatial solutions in logistics: a. Transport logistics tasks; b. Flow logistics of goods and services; c. Military and crisis management logistics tasks; d. State and local government logistics tasks; 1.5. Development of examples of geospatial solutions in crisis management: a. Comprehensive crisis management; b. Municipal crisis management; c. Military crisis management solutions; d. Forecasts of the origin and development of crises; 1.6. Spatial solutions for business development: 2. Prepare a cartographic appendix to the remote sensing task order (4h) 3. Preparation and submission of laboratory work report (4h) 4. Defense of laboratory work (2h) Part-time studies: All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
Test with a mark | |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
Independent work is related to the course of laboratory work - acquiring additional knowledge (studying literature, searching for information on websites), skills and practical experience for the successful solution of specific tasks. | |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
Independent work is related to the course of laboratory work - acquiring additional knowledge (studying literature, searching for information on websites), skills and practical experience for the successful solution of specific tasks. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1. Ģeomātikas pamati., Rīgas Tehniskās universitāte . Rīga, 2006. 66 lpp.
2. Mūsdienu Latvijas topogrāfiskās kartes. VZD. Rīga: VZD, 2001. 203 lpp. 3. Ģeotelpiskās informācijas likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste] Pieņemts: 17.12.2009. Stājas spēkā: 13.01.2010 [skatīts 26.01.2022.]. Pieejams: |
Further reading | |
1. Mūsdienu Latvijas topogrāfiskās kartes. Autoru kolektīvs A. Zelmanis ... u.c. Rīga: VZD, 2001.
2. Kraus K. Photogrammetrie, Band I, Grundlagen und Standartverfahren, Dummler/Bonn, 1998., 450 p. 3. Kraus K.. Photogrammetry. Vol.1: Fundamentals and standard processes. Köln: Dümmler, 2000. 397 p. 2000.g. 4. Štrauhmanis J. Kartogrāfija: mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: RTU, 2004. 109 lpp. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Pieejams:
European Spatial Data Research. Pieejams:; žurnāls “Mērnieks”. ISSN 1407-7124. |
Notes | |
Professional higher education bachelor study program “Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing” in full-time studies and part-time studies |