Course title Three Dimensional Building Design
Course code BūvZ3096
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 8
Number of hours for laboratory classes 24
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 10/03/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Course developers
Mg. sc. ing., Arturs Gaurilka

Prior knowledge
Arhi1020, Construction Graphics
BūvZ2037, Designing in AutoCad
Course abstract
Using the Revit Structure software in structure design. The possibilities and environment of the software. Modeling the main building parts - walls, foundations, columns, beams, floors, seiling slabs, stairs and roofs. Visualisations and renderings. Compatibility of differnt file (jpg, dwg, pdf etc.) with Revit Structure software.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
1. Knowledge and understanding about principles using the Revit Structure software in structure design - test. 2. Skills to use the main commands for design - test. 3. Competence to set up the task, to choose design method and tools - independent work. 4. Create unique 3D model of building - independent work.
Course Content(Calendar)
1. The possibilities and environment of the software. 1h
2. Grid tool. 1h
3. Using Level tool to define a vertical height or story within a building. 2h
4. Wall tools. Wall creation options. 4h
5. Structural Columns. 2h
6. Wall Foundations. Isolated Foundations. Foundation Slabs. 2h
7. Floorings, floors. 2h
8. Stair tools. 1h
9. Railings, banisters. 1h
10. Intermediate floors. 3h
11. Wall opening. Window tool. Door tool. 3h
12. Roof tools. 3h
13. Site modelling. 3h
14. Section and Callout. 2h
15. Export/Import format. 1h
16. Placing Views on Sheets. 1h
Requirements for awarding credit points
Credit test is passed if unique 3D model of building is carried out, as well as conversation on related topic achievs a positive results.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
During practical work student is working on individual 3D model of building.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Credits will be enrolled if the student is able to prove his/her skills defending individual design.
Compulsory reading
1. Gaurilka A. Datorprogrammas Revit Structure 2009 iespējas un darba vide. Palīgmateriāls studiju priekšmetā Būvju telpiskā projektēšana. [tiešsaiste]. Jelgava: LLU, 2011. 23 lpp. Nav liel. Latvijas b-kās. Pieejams: http://estudijas.llu.lv/pluginfile.php/32408/mod_resource/content/0/Dazadi/Revit/Metod_BUV-TELP-REVIT.pdf [skatīts 13.10.2014.]
Further reading
1. Weir, Thomas S.: Mastering Revit structure 2010 /Thomas S. Weir, Jamie D. Richardson, David J. Harrington. Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley Publishing, c2009. 865 lpp. LLU FB UDK 004.9 Šifrs 09/792
2. Gaurilka A. Datorprogrammas Revit Structure 2015 iespējas un darba vide. Palīgmateriāls studiju priekšmetā Būvju modelēšana.
Pieejams: https://estudijas.llu.lv/pluginfile.php/181785/mod_resource/content/2/Metod_BUV-MODEL.pdf
3. Gaurilka A. Datorprogrammas Revit Structure 2010 iespējas un darba vide. Palīgmateriāls studiju priekšmetā Būvju telpiskā projektēšanā.
4. www.revitcity.com/index.php.
5. http://images.autodesk.com/adsk/files/rac_help.pdf 6. http://designbuildacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/REVIT_Walkthrough_getting-Started.pdf
Optional Course for the Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Civil Engineering” and for the Second level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”