Course title Planning of Urban Space
Course code Arhi4047
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 12
Independent study hours 57
Responsible Unit Instutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Course developers
Mg. arch., pasn. Iveta Lāčauniece

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Students acquire knowledge and skills in creating of urban space. Difference between urban and rural environment, factors determining urbanized landscape, historical stages of town-building, modern zoning of towns, characteristic features of each zoning element and their interrelation, building and nature elements of urbanized environment; transport communications of town, methods of space organization in town.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge of basic principles of urban environment formation, knowledge of spatial planning.

Skills to apply various methods of urban environment planning using both objective and subjective information, skills to develop development schemes.

Competence in sustainable and long term urban planning, ability to understand interdisciplinary approach.

Students present results of course in the research of the development of the chosen city displaying it in schemes, as well in the analysis of existing planning documents.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Specific of the urban environment
2.Principle of sustainability in the formation of the urban environment
3.Interaction of nature and urban elements.
4.New trends in urban planning
5.Smart cities
6.Identity of the city
7.Urban structures
8.Administrative structures in Latvia
9.Regulation of the spatial planning in Latvia
10.Principle of continuity in urban planning
11.Stages of the history of urban development
12.Historical development of Latvian towns
13.Basic principles of urban structure composition
14.Traffic infrastructure in the city, methods of planning
15.Open public spaces in the city, techniques of composition
16.Development of spatial plans for cities
17.Functional zoning of urban territory
18.Buildings – main element of urban environment
19.Nature elements – important part of the cityscape
20.Engineering communications in the city
21.Basic principles of spatial organization in town
22.Specific of perception of city landscape
23.Skyline as an important element of the city identity 24.Subjective factors in city planning
Requirements for awarding credit points
The lecture course must be attended, must be prepared report and analysis of the student’s own choses town according lecture topics. Report should be in graphic form- schemes, pictures, sketches.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Following the topic discussed in each lecture, students prepare study of the chosen city. Results of research should be represented in seminars.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Assessment depends on the cumulative assessment of presentations in seminars. Research results should be presented graphically.
Compulsory reading
1. Briņķis J., Buka O. (2001) Teritoriālā plānošana un pilsētbūvniecība, Rīga, RTU, 219 p.
2. Briņķis.J., Buka O. (2006) Pilsētu un lauku apdzīvoto vietu kompleksu arhitektoniski telpiskā plānošana, Rīga TU, 235lpp
3. Jānis Briņķis, Oļģerts Buka, (2008) reģionālā attīstība un prognostika pilsētplānošanas kontekstā, Rīga, RTU, 194 lpp. 4. Kevin Lynch The Image of the City, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 194 lpp.
Further reading
1. John A. La Grotr (2008) Site Analysis, John Willey&Sons.Inc, 328lpp
2. Apdzīvotu vietu ilgtspēja – R:LU, 2001.,-60lpp
3. Antrop M. (2004) Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 67, pp. 4. Charles Landry, The Art of City Making, London, Sterling VA, 462 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Latvijas Architektura, Rīga
2. Topos. European Landscape Magazin 3. Landscape Architecture and Art. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture