Kursa nosaukums Angļu valoda tiesību zinātnē
Kursa kods ValoP200
Zinātnes nozare Valodniecība un literatūrzinātne
Kredītpunkti (ECTS) 3
Kopējais stundu skaits kursā 81
Semināru un praktisko darbu stundu skaits 32
Studenta patstāvīgā darba stundu skaits 49
Kursa izstrādātājs(-i)
Dr. paed., Sarmīte Bremze

Kursam priekšzināšanas nav nepieciešamas
Kursa anotācija
Kurss sekmēs kompetences izveidi Eiropas Savienības likumdošanā, sagatavos izglītojamos vieslekcijām angļu valodā.
Kursa saturs(kalendārs)
1 Introduction into studies. Information society and project management.
2 The European Union. Political union,: the three pillars of the European Union.
3 The development of the Treaties. The prevailing consensus.
4 The European Union Institutions. Types of Legislation.
5 Principles of Supremacy and Direct Effect.
6 The dynamics of European Union Law. Development, review and interpretation and enforcement of Community Law.
7 Substantive Law of the European Union. Presentations and discussions.
8 The laws providing the Free Movement of Goods and CAP.
9 The laws providing Free Movement of Workers and Freedom to Provide Services and Citizenship provisions.
10 The European Union - the Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution and the impending ratification.
11 Laws for The Common Agricultural Policy.
12 Member States Agriculture - a sector closely linked with the economy as a whole.
13 Rules on Competition, Trading rules. Development of the legal sustem in the EU.
14 Laws for Coordination of efforts. Vocational training and research.
15 Workshop - presentations and discussions. 16 Workshop - round table discussions.
Prasības kredītpunktu iegūšanai
Regulārs nodarbību apmeklējums, līdzdalība grupu darbā, iniciatīva diskusijās.
Obligātā literatūra
1. Dr Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, European Integration, Luxembourg, 1995.
2. Weidenfeld Werner, Wessels wolfgang, Europe from A to Z, Institut fur Europaische Politik, Belgium, 1997.
3. Maughan Janet. What's it all about EU? Where to find out more. Office of EU Parliament and theRepresentation of the European Commission in the United Kingdom, London. 4. Sibley R., European Studies, Stanley Thorne Press, 1993.
1. Pawnell Charles, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1996.
2. Angļu valodas tekstu krājumus juristiem / sast. A.Eglīte, Rīga: BKI, SIA "Jumi'', 2001-80 lpp.
3. Rees G.,ed. International Politics in Europe: the new agenda, Routledge, 1993. 4. Rosas A., Antola E., In search of a New Order, Sage London, 1995.
Izvēles kurss, paredzēts SZF maģistra studiju programmas ''Starptautisko projektu vadība'' 2. semestrī.