Kursa nosaukums Alternative horticulture
Kursa kods LauZ6101
Zinātnes nozare Lauksaimniecības un zivsaimniecības zinātnes, mežzinātne
Zinātnes apakšnozare Dārzkopība
Kredītpunkti (ECTS) 6
Kopējais stundu skaits kursā 162
Studenta patstāvīgā darba stundu skaits 162
Kursam priekšzināšanas nav nepieciešamas
Kursa anotācija
Aim and content: Production and processing, herbs, special use vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants should be one of the successful branches of horticulture in the future.
Special -use vegetables technology related to cultivation, post – harvest, processing and product development. Effect of the choice of different growing methods on the bio agronomical behaviour of vegetables herbs and medicinal plants. Teaching methods: lectures, practical works, independent work, excursions.
Kursa saturs(kalendārs)
1.Strategies and recent achievements in alternative horticulture;
2. Special – use vegetables: plant characteristics, cultivation and bio – agronomical evaluation;
3. Herbs. History. Botanical structure. Classification and terminology;
4. Possibilities and limitations of herbs and medicinal terminology;
5.Cultivation of herbs and plants medicinal plants;
6. Yield and quality of cultivated herbs and medicinal plants; 7. Post – harvest drying treatment effects on the chemical composition of herbs and medicinal plants.
Prasības kredītpunktu iegūšanai
Assessment: Participation and credit in practical works and seminars, examination
Obligātā literatūra
1. Baker H. The Fruit Garden Displayed. Casell – 1994 – s. 223
2. Westwood M. K. Temperate Zone Pomology. Physiology and culture. – 3rd edition, Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 1993. – 535 p.
Teaching methods: Lectures, practical works, excursions, independent work, seminars