Course code VidEK003

Credit points 2

Machine Elements III

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours54

Date of course confirmation24.01.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Mechanics and Design

Course developer

author lect.

Mareks Šmits

Mg. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

LauZ3126, Strength of Materials I

LauZ3162, Strength of Materials II

LauZ4190, Theoretical Mechanics II

MmehB008, Theoretical Mechanics I

Replaced course

LauZ4071 [GLAU4071] Machine Elements III

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to design project of mechanical drive and device. The drive should include source of mechanical power the mechanical drive. Students acquainted with designing process. The technical drawings must be created by CAD methods and should include 3 sheets of A1 size.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - know the criteria for workability of machines, machines and parts, selection of materials and design methods, knowledge of the design-related standards (ISO, LVS, DIN) - project.
Skills - how to choose a technical method to address tasks, use manuals and standards for practical tasks - project.

Competence - capable of modulating tasks in machine science, addressing technical tasks and conducting independent studies, is a knowledgeable, informed and capable professional – project.

Course Content(Calendar)

1.Analysis of analogous devices
2.Determination of the work parameters and initial design.
3.Selection of power source.
4.Calculation of energy-kinetic parameters.
5.Calculation of mechanical drive.
6.Design and calculation of the dimensions of the drive components.
7.Initial design calculation of the shaft
8.Shaft strength and durability calculation
9.Selection and calculation of rolling bearings.
10.Selection of tolerances and allowances
11.Preparation of report
12.Technical drawing of the components
13.Technical drawing of assembly
14.Defending of course project

Part-time extramural studies:
All the topics intended for full-time studies are covered, yet the number of contact hours is ½ of the specified number of hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Course project is assessed as follows:
• correctness of the report (40%)
• conformity to formatting rules (50%)
• conformity of the technical drawings (50%).
Credit points are assigned if the rate weighted average score is at least grade 4.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students shall independently develop the report, calculations and technical drawings of the course project. Students prepare themselves to defend a course job.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The grade is formed as the weighted mean of the results of report, conformity to formatting rules and technical drawings.

Compulsory reading

Budynas R., Nisbett K. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 10th edition. Singapore etc.: McGraw-Hill, 2014. 1104 p.

Further reading

1. Uzkliņģis G. Mašīnu elementi. 1.daļa: Savienojumi. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 468 lpp.
2. Fischer U., Gomeringer R., Heinzler M., Kilgus R. Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook, 3rd edition. Europa-Lehrmittel, 2012. 444 p.


Compulsory course for students of the 2nd level academic higher education study program Agricultural Engineering .