Course code VidZK001

Credit points 2


Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours54

Date of course confirmation12.12.2023

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developers

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


author lect.

Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva

Mg. sc. ing.

Replaced course

VidZ2005 [GVID2005] Bioengineering

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of biotechnology process,
and related basic concepts, main raw materials and manufactured products is strengthened in the course work. Students acquire knowledge in the detection and cultivation of microorganisms. In parallel, the possibilities for using bioengineering to reduce environmental pollution are being explored and described. Independently choose and develop course papers in the direction of their own interested topic.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Gains an understanding of the application of bioengineering in environmental protection - reduction of pollution, as well as the use of microorganisms and their role in biotechnological processes.
Is able to choose appropriate processes for the elimination of environmental pollution, create various process schemes corresponding to the topic. As well as formulate, critically evaluate and coordinate the application of bioengineering methods with the content of study, course and final work of the study course of his / her specialty.
Is able to apply bioengineering elements to the implementation of biotechnological processes, to observe, apply and substantiate the basic principles of sustainable development in the study courses and researches of his / her specialty.

Course Content(Calendar)

1.Choice of the course work topic: topicality, goal and task formulation (2 h)
2.Work in the library - research and compilation of scientific information in the literature (2 h)
3.Work in the library - research and compilation of scientific information in the literature (2 h)
4.Selection and characterization of work analysis methods (2 h)
5.Learning methods (2 h)
6.Research on the chosen topic (1 h)
7.Research on the chosen topic (1 h)
8.Research on the chosen topic (1 h)
9.Research on the chosen topic (1 h)
10.Processing and analysis of research results (2 h)
11.Processing and analysis of research results (2 h)
12.Processing and analysis of research results (2 h)
13.Course paper design (3 h)
14.Course work examination (2 h)
15.Development of conclusions and proposals (2 h) 16.Defence of the course paper (1 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Students must develop and defend a course paper. Rating - mark.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

In accordance with the requirements, the student must prepare a theoretical-practical review of the application of bioengineering in environmental protection within the framework of their chosen topic. At the end of the course, the work must be presented by preparing a presentation on the topic and the research carried out. The course work should include certain sections: literature review, methods used, results, discussion, as well as self-made conclusions and suggestions on the topic. The volume of the course work is not less than 20 pages.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The developed course work is evaluated according to its content, obtained results and general design requirements. A grade on a 10-point scale is obtained for the course work. The presentation is evaluated according to the presentation and the information contained, evaluating it according to certain criteria. The presentation is rated on a mark of 10-point scale. Assessment is performed by the teachers involved in the course. The student obtains a final grade, which is the arithmetic mean of the course work and presentation grade.

Compulsory reading

1. Gemste I., Vucāns A. Notekūdeņu dūņas un to izmantošana. Jelgava: LLU, 2002. 172 lpp.
2. Viesturs U., Kārkliņa D., Ciproviča I. Bioprocessing and bioengineering : the course of the learning material for bachelor's and master's students and SOCRATUS/ERASMUS exchange programmes students specializing in food science and technology. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 60 p.
3. Kārkliņš R., Lemba J., Liepiņš G. Organisko skābju biotehnoloģija = Biotechnologie den organischen Sauren = Biotechnology of organic acids. Rīga : "Stampa informserviss", 2002. 214 lpp. 4. Barnum S.R. Biotechnology: an introduction. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, 2005. 360 p.

Further reading

1. Schmid R. Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engeneering. WILEY – VCH, 2002. 345 p.
2. Kļaviņš M. Vides piesārņojums un tā iedarbība. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2012. 199 lpp. 3. Kalniņš A. Biogāzes ražošanas saimnieciskie un vides ieguvumi. Rīga: [Autorizdevums], 2009. 147 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1.Biotechology and Bioengineering. [tiešsaiste]. Published/Hosted by John Wiley and Sons. ISSN (Print): 0006-3592. ISSN (Online): 1097-0290. [skatīts 27.05.2014.]. Pieejams Wiley:
2.Environmental Engineering and Policy. [tiešsaiste]. Published/Hosted by Springer. ISSN (Print): 1433-6618. ISSN (Online): 1434-0852. [skatīts 27.05.2014.]. Pieejams:
3.Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology (JAB). [tiešsaite] ISSN (Print): 2347-212X. [skatīts 25.01.2015]. Pieejams: 1.Scopus datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
4.Web of Science datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
5.ScienceDirect Freedom Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: https://www.
6.EBSCO eBook Academic Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: 20f3d1432b%40pdc-v-sessmgr02
6.EBSCOhost datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: 7.Wiley Online Journals datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:


Compulsory study course for students of the professional higher education bachelor study program “Environment and Water Management”