Course code VeteR004
Credit points 2
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures0
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0
Number of hours for laboratory classes0
Independent study hours54
Date of course confirmation20.12.2023
Responsible UnitClinical Institute
Mg. med. vet.
Ķīmi3004, Biochemistry
LauZB035, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition II
Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I
Vete4109, Internal Medicine, Herd Health II
VeteB004, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
VeteB008, Cell biology, Histology II
VeteB010, Physiology II
VeteB012, Bacteriology, mycology, virology II
VeteB021, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I
VeteB029, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II
VeteB034, Internal Medicine, Herd Health II
VeteB041, Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine II
VeteP020 [GVETP020] Large Animal Practice I
Aim: to strengthen the theoretical knowledge acquired at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and to develop practical skills under the guidance of teaching staff. The student practice program contains tasks to be carried out under the guidance of teaching staff in order to get acquainted with the organization of veterinary work in rural conditions, to improve practical skills in the clinical examination of animals, in the clinical and patho-anatomical diagnosis of infectious, internal non-infectious, surgical diseases of large animals, in the implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures, to learn basic skills in the gynecology of farm animals examination, artificial insemination and parturition’s assistance.
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge: at the end of the internship, the student will have mastered the practical application of the basic knowledge acquired in the faculty's clinical subjects. Assessment: in the presence of a teacher at the animal in the enclosure.
Skills: strengthening of practical skills in clinical examination of large animals, clinical and patho-anatomical diagnosis of contagious, non-contagious, surgical diseases of large animals, carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures, mastering basic skills in gynecological examination of farm animals, artificial insemination and parturition’s. assistance. Assessment: in the presence of a teacher at the animal in the enclosure.
Competence: ability to independently analyze clinical cases and assess the overall health status of the herd. Assessment: in the presence of a teacher at the animal in the enclosure.
Final assessment – formal test.
1. The program contains tasks carried out under the supervision academic staff on the teaching and research farm Vecauce
Under the guidance of teaching staff, students perform practical tasks according to the planned plan. Final assessment - formal test.
Students acquire their knowledge in clinical subjects by practice, under the guidance of the teaching staff. The work is on schedule with the registration, groups of up to 10 students. Students solve the assigned tasks according to the clinical subjects.
Students' knowledge and skills are evaluated according to the attendance and the order of the tasks assigned in the practical works. Assessment – formal test.
11. Brūveris Z. Mājdzīvnieku anatomija. SIA Medicīnas apgāds, 2007. – 783 lpp.
2. Dzenīte A., Jonins V. Govju mākslīgā apsēklošana. Rīga: Avots, 1989. - 147 lpp.
3. Jemeļjanovs Ļ., Māņēvičs Z., Dūrītis I. Dzīvnieku iekšķīgo slimību klīniskā diagnostika. Jelgava, 2007, ISBN 9984-19-978-9, 242 lpp.
4. Jemeļjanovs Ļ., Māņēvičs Z., Dūrītis I. Dzīvnieku iekšķīgo slimību klīniskā diagnostika. Jelgava, 2007, ISBN 9984-19-978-9, 242 lpp.
5. Jemeļjanovs Ļ., Masaļskis N. Dzīvnieku kīniskā izmeklēšana. Jelgava, 2000.
6. Keidāns P., Mājdzīvnieku parazitāro slimību diagnostika. LLU, Jelgava, 2000.
7. Trubka. R. Mājdzīvnieku infekcijas slimības. 1. daļa, Jelgava, LLU, 2000,¬ 2. daļa, Jelgava, 2001.
8. J. Chenoweth, Steven P. Lorton. Animal Andrology Theories and Aplications. FSC, 2015.-568p.
9. Hopper R.M., Bovine Reproduction. Wiley – Blackwell. 2015. – 800p.
10. Youngquist R.S. Threlfall W.R., Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology 2.Saunders. 2007. – 1061p
11. Ogilvie T.H. Large Animal Internal Medicine. Williams&wilkins. 1998.
12. Roberts S. Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology. W.B.Saunders Company. 1997. - 897 p.
13. Petter Radoititis O.M., Leslie K.E., Fetrow J. Herd Health Food Animal Production Medicine. W.B.Saunders Company. 1994. - 630 p.
14. Senger P.L., Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition. Second Edition. Current Conceptions.2003. – 368 p.
1. Blūzmanis J., Duļbinskis J., Grundmane A., Jaunzems V., Jemeļjanovs A., Kravale D., Laurs A., Neilands J., Osītis U., Strautmanis, D. Piena lopkopība. Sigulda, 2001. - 191 lpp.
2. Garančs A. Dzīvnieku fizioloģija jautājumos un atbildēs. Jelgava 1999. Iespiests sabiedrībā "Latgales druka", 302 lpp.
3. Liepa L. Asiņu bioķīmisko rādītāju klīniskā interpretācija govīm. LLU izdevniecība, Jelgava, 2000. – 44 lpp.
4. Mozgis V. Govju tesmeņu slimības un to apkarošana. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības konsultāciju un izglītības atbalsta centrs, Ozolnieki, 1997. - 242 lpp.
5. Vētra J., Ligers J., Vaiders L. Govju tesmeņa slimības. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1996. – 173 lpp.
6. Carleton C.L., Equine Theriogenology. Wiley Blackwell. 2011. – 1208 p.
7. Geofferey H. Atrhur et. al. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. London, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sidney, Tokyo, 1996. - 726 p
8. Radostits O.M. Mayhew I.G. , Houston D.M. Veterinary clinical Examination and Diagnosis. 2010.
9. Roger W.Blowey, A. David Weaver. Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle (third edition) Edinburgh, London, New York…2011.-267p.
1. 1. Asian- Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences (AJAS) 2015. – 2018., Korea, ISSN 1011-2367.
2. Compedium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian. (Comp Cont Educ Pract). 2000-2011, USA: veterinary Learning Sistem, ISSN 0193-1903.
3. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association( J Am Vet Med Assoc;JAVMA).2000- 2011, USA: American Medical Assoc., ISSN 0003- 1488.
4. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika(Vet Med Zoot). 2000- 2011, Lithuania " Veterinarija ir zootechnika", ISSN 1392- 2130
Compulsory study course of second cycle professional higher education study programme Veterinary medicine