Course code VeteR002

Credit points 3

Clinical Practice II

Total Hours in Course40

Number of hours for lectures0

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes0

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours81

Date of course confirmation20.03.2013

Responsible UnitClinical Institute

Course developer

author lect.

Elīna Kaņka

Professional programme(līm.)

Prior knowledge

Vete4037, General Pathology II

Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I

Vete4114, Anesthesiology and Emergency

VeteB010, Physiology II

VeteB029, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II

Replaced course

VeteP019 [GVETP019] Clinical Practice II

Course abstract

Clinical practice II proceeds in the LBTU Small animal and Equine clinics. Practice is done under the supervision of veterinarians of the LBTU Veterinary clinic and FVM teaching staff. The case and jobs are decided during the day together with the veterinarian. During Clinical practice II students learn communication skills with owners, clinical examination of animals, disease diagnostics and treatment, animal welfare during treatment and disease prophylaxis. The Clinical practice II clinical shift plan is organized by the Course leader.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge – to acknowledge anamnesis, special diagnostic, special examination skills, the interpretation of diagnostic results, to understand the principles of chosen medication, to know principles of emergency care.
Skills – theoretical knowledge usage in practical work. Practical hands on training during different clinical manipulations, use of different laboratory methods, skills to choose an appropriate treatment plan, communication skills with patient’s owner.
Competency – to be competent in different animal diseases, diagnostic, treatment plan, to be informed by the newest veterinary tendencies, treatment plans, prophylactics.

Course Content(Calendar)

Equine clinic 40h
Small animal clinic 40h
Individual work 4h

Requirements for awarding credit points

Clinical practice II is evaluated with auto-pass if students has attended all clinical hours in the clinic, has prepared clinical case report and presented it at least grade 6 or more.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

During Clinical practice II student has to choose clinical case (accepted by veterinarian), write case report and present it at the end of semester to all course and course coordinator

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Learning outcome is evaluated after the given tasks in the practicals. To get pass in practice, students skills, knowledge and competency are evaluated by the students work quality with the given tasks in Clinical practice II. Also student has to write and present one case report

Compulsory reading

1. Birchard S.J., Sherding R.G. Saunders Manual of
Small Animal Practice. 3rd ed. Saunders
Elsevier. 2006.
2. Bistner S.I., Ford R.B., Raffe M.R. Kirk and
Bistner’s Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and
Emergency Treatment W.B. Saunders Comp.
3. Bonagura J.D., Twedt D.C. Kirk’s Current
Veterinary Therapy XV. Saunders Elsevier. 2014.
4. Ettinger S. Textbook of Veterinary Internal
Medicine – diseases of dog and cat W.B.
Saunders comp. 7 th ed. 2009.
5. Nelson R.W., Couto C.G. Small Animal Internal
Medicine . Mosby, 5th ed.2014.
6. Silverstein D.C., Hopper K. Small Animal Critical
Care Medicine. Second Edition Saunders Elsevier.
7. Tilley L.P., Smiths F.W.K. The 5 Minute
Veterinary Consult. Second Edition Williams &
Wilkins. 2000.

Further reading

1. Muller G. Kirk., R., Scott D. Small Animal
Dermatology W.B. Saunders comp. 7 th ed.2012.
2. Nelson R.W. Couto C.G. Essentials of Small
Animal Medicine. Mosby year Book. 2000.
3. Plumb D.C. Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook.
8th ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2015
4. Willard M.D., Tvedten H., Turnwald G.H. Small
Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory
Methods. 5th ed. W.B.Saunders Company. 2011
5. Ettinger S.J., Feldman E.C., Cote E., Textbook of
Veterinary Internal Medicine Expert Consult, 8th
Edition, 2017

Periodicals and other sources

1. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, ISSN:

2. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Critical Care,
ISSN: 1476-4431
3. The Veterinary Journal, ISSN 1090-0233


Compulsory study course of second cycle study programme Veterinary medicine